Changing Character of War |
Remembering War |
Marking the anniversary of the first world war, Professor Cecile Fabre considers why we remember war, |
Cecile Fabre |
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Changing Character of War |
Enemy Within: Underlying Flaws in Policy-Making on Afghanistan |
Matt Waldman considers what went wrong in policy-making on Afghanistan |
Matt Waldman |
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Changing Character of War |
How the Syrian Regime Sells its War at Home |
Drawing his own experience of working as a journalist in Syria, Stephen Starr reports on the war in Syria and how the current regime presents the war to the people of Syria. |
Stephen Starr |
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Changing Character of War |
Post-COIN : The Future of Conventional Warfare |
Lt Col Alexandre Vautravers, Associate Professor at Webster University looks at the future of armed conflict and the role of conventional forces, post-COIN. |
Alexandre Vautravers |
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Changing Character of War |
Planning Future War |
The Director of CCW outlines the future of armed conflict and how we should be preparing for it. |
Rob Johnson |
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Changing Character of War |
Searching for Reflective Armed Forces: A Lithuanian Civil-Military Relations Perspective |
CCW Visiting Fellow, Deividas Slekys analyses civil-military relations, using Lithuania as a case study. |
Deividas Slekys |
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Changing Character of War |
An Uncommon Point of View: Military Diplomacy in an Active Theatre |
Brigadier Matthew Overton draws on his own professional experience to discuss the role of diplomacy in active conflict. |
Matthew Overton |
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Changing Character of War |
Generals, Politicians and Mandarins: the Malfunctioning Political-Military Relationship in Britain |
Drawing on his 2013 report, James de Waal discusses civil-military relations in Britain following the conflicts in recent years and considers what lessons could be learnt. |
James de Waal |
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Changing Character of War |
Religious and Nationalist Motivations in Insurgency: Evidence from the Caucasus |
Professor Monica Toft explores religious motivations in insurgency. |
Monica Toft |
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Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies |
Productive Motherhood: Women's Labour and Japan's Lowest-Low Fertility |
Professor Mary Brinton, Harvard University, gives a talk for the Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies Seminar Series |
Mary Brinton |
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Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies |
The Geography of Ageing and Population Decline in Japan |
Professor Ralph Lützeler, University of Bonn, gives a talk for the Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies Seminar Series |
Ralph Lützeler |
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Border Criminologies |
Women’s experiences of detention |
Sarah Campbell (Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID), UK) |
Sarah Campbell |
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Border Criminologies |
A prison that isn't a prison: Globalization, mobility control, and state power |
Thomas Ugelvik (University of Oslo, Norway) |
Thomas Ugelvik |
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Border Criminologies |
Time, space, and trust: Some methodological challenges of researching immigration detention |
Sarah Turnbull (University of Oxford, UK) |
Sarah Turnbull |
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Border Criminologies |
Prisons as places to negotiate ‘illegality’ |
Steven De Ridder (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) |
Steven De Ridder |
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Border Criminologies |
Trajectories and identities of foreign national women: Rethinking prison through the lens of gender and citizenship |
Raquel Matos (Catolica University) |
Raquel Matos |
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Border Criminologies |
The neocolonial prison and the ‘mark’ of whiteness in current Argentina: Race, gender and chronopolitics in media accounts of incarcerated immigrant population |
Victoria Pereyra (Warwick University) |
Victoria Pereyra |
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Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies |
Declining Fertility Rates in Japan and Other Low Fertility Nations: Can We Diagnose and Cure this 'Disease'? |
Leonard Schoppa, Professor of Politics, University of Virginia, gives a talk for the Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies Seminar Series. |
Leonard Schoppa |
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Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies |
The Political Arena of Low Fertility - Comparing Japan and Germany |
Professor Axel Klein gives a talk for the Nissan Centre for Japanese Studies Seminar Series. |
Axel Klein |
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School of Geography and the Environment Podcasts |
Water Lives: forging a science-policy interface |
Exploring the interface between science and policy-making at Water Lives - a science-policy symposium for Freshwater life in Brussels, January 2014. Listen to find out what every scientist should know about policy-making. |
Paul Jepson, Helen Scales |
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Crisis (Forced Migration Review 45) |
FMR 45 Choice and necessity: relocations in the Arctic and South Pacific |
Relocation – whereby livelihoods, housing and public infrastructure are reconstructed in another location – may be the best adaptation response for communities whose current location becomes uninhabitable or is vulnerable to future climate-induced threats |
Robin Bronen |
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Crisis (Forced Migration Review 45) |
FMR 45 What is crisis migration? |
Movements precipitated by humanitarian crises have implications that touch upon immigration control and national interests, human rights, humanitarian and development principles, and frameworks for international protection, cooperation and burden sharing. |
Susan Martin, Sanjula Weerasinghe, Abbie Taylor |
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Crisis (Forced Migration Review 45) |
FMR 45 Flight to the cities |
The conditions from which most crisis migrants have fled — threats to life, health, physical safety and/or subsistence — are likely to be reproduced in some form in their urban destinations, at least in part due to their presence there. |
Patricia Weiss Fagen |
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Crisis (Forced Migration Review 45) |
FMR 45 Foreword on migrants in crisis |
When it comes to protecting migrants' well-being and rights, smart practices abound. There are many practices that can and should become global standards. |
Peter D Sutherland |
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Crisis (Forced Migration Review 45) |
FMR 45 Illegal migration in the Indian Sunderbans |
It is expected that due to sea-level rises in the future many millions of Bangladeshis will flee to India, exacerbating further the ongoing disputes between India and Bangladesh. |
Sahana Bose |
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Crisis (Forced Migration Review 45) |
FMR 45 Lessons from the development of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement |
The Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement filled a major gap in the international protection system for uprooted people. |
Roberta Cohen |
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Crisis (Forced Migration Review 45) |
FMR 45 From the Editors |
From the editors. |
Marion Couldrey, Maurice Herson |
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Crisis (Forced Migration Review 45) |
FMR 45 Migrants on offshore islands of Bangladesh |
Riverbank erosion and the consequent formation of new islands in the Bay of Bengal cause frequent changes in the shape and size of the delta, forcing the inhabitants to migrate frequently. |
Rezwan Siddiqui |
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Crisis (Forced Migration Review 45) |
FMR 45 The concept of crisis migration |
Crisis migration needs to be understood in terms of 'tipping points', which are triggered not just by events but also by underlying structural processes. |
Jane McAdam |
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The Bodleian Libraries (BODcasts) |
How to make your own eyeglasses for about one pound: an Oxford technology created to benefit the developing World |
Professor Joshua Silver talks about his invention of the self adjusting spectacles. |
Joshua Silver |
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Refugee Studies Centre |
The rise and decline of a global security actor: UNHCR, refugee protection and security |
Public Seminar Series, Hilary term 2014. Seminar by Dr Anne Hammerstad (University of Kent), recorded on 12 March 2014 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Anne Hammerstad |
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Psychiatry |
Assertive outreach in psychiatry |
Dr Thurston is a psychiatrist at Oxford who has worked in assertive outreach for many years. He discusses the benefits of assertive outreach and their place in modern psychiatry and gives an overview of how psychiatry has changed over the past 20 years. |
David Thurston |
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Psychiatry |
Suicide Assessment |
Professor Hawton is a world leading expert in suicide research. He has written books on the subject and has contributed to UK policy in this area. He speaks to Dr Daniel Maughan about this controversial area of psychiatric research. |
Keith Hawton |
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Foundation for Law, Justice and Society |
(In)formal Economies, Economies of Favour: The End of Transition? |
Dr John Round, Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, University of Birmingham and Higher School of Economics, Moscow and Dr Nicolette Makovicky, Departmental Lecturer in Russian and East European Studies give a talk for the FLJS Series |
John Round, Nicolette Makovicky |
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Foundation for Law, Justice and Society |
Democratic Deficits and Gender Quotas: The Evolution of the Proposed EU Directive on Gender Balance on Corporate Boards |
Julie C. Suk, Professor of Law, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, New York, gives a talk for the Gender Quotas for Corporate Boards and Democratic Legitimacy debate |
Julie Suk |
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Department of Education Public Seminars |
Multi-Word Vocabulary and literacy development in children with English as an Additional Language |
Dr Vicky Murphy talks on research examining figurative vocabulary knowledge in primary school children with EAL, examining collocations (multiword phrases) and idioms and the relative contribution this type of word knowledge makes to literacy development. |
Vicki Murphy |
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Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) seminars |
Obesity and physical activity: from behaviour to environment |
Jean-Michel Oppert Centre de Recherche en Nutrition Humaine (CRNH), Paris, gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series |
Jean-Michel Oppert |
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Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) seminars |
Brief interventions for weight management in primary care |
Amanda Lewis Department of Primary Care Health Science, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series |
Amanda Lewis |
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Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) seminars |
Liminal living: eating disordered embodiment and the reconfiguring of social being |
Karin Eli, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series |
Karin Eli |
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Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) seminars |
Comparative political ecologies of food and diet: systems of provision in Trinidad and Cuba |
Marisa Wilson, University of Edinburgh, gives a talk for the UBVO semianr series |
Marisa Wilson |
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Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) seminars |
The intimacies of the celebrity chef industry: affects, effects and the mediation of eating |
Emma-Jayne Abbots University of Wales, Trinity St David, gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series |
Emma-Jayne Abbots |
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Critical Reasoning: A Romp Through the Foothills of Logic |
Answers to Questions |
Answers to Questions posed in lectures 1 to 6 of Marianne Talbot's lecture series on critical reasoning for beginners. |
Marianne Talbot |
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Critical Reasoning: A Romp Through the Foothills of Logic |
Inductive Strength: Evaluating Inductive Arguments |
Lecture 5 of 6 in Marianne Talbot's series on critical reasoning for beginners. |
Marianne Talbot |
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Critical Reasoning: A Romp Through the Foothills of Logic |
Deductive Validity: Evaluating Deductive Arguments |
Lecture 4 of 6 in Marianne Talbot's series on critical reasoning for beginners. |
Marianne Talbot |
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Critical Reasoning: A Romp Through the Foothills of Logic |
Fallacies: Understanding where Arguments go Wrong |
Lecture 6 of 6 in Marianne Talbot's series on critical reasoning for beginners. |
Marianne Talbot |
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Critical Reasoning: A Romp Through the Foothills of Logic |
Deduction and Induction: Classifying Arguments |
Lecture 3 of 6 in Marianne Talbot's series on critical reasoning for beginners. |
Marianne Talbot |
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Critical Reasoning: A Romp Through the Foothills of Logic |
Analysing Arguments: How to Identify Premises and Conclusions |
Lecture 2 of 6 in Marianne Talbot's series on critical reasoning for beginners. |
Marianne Talbot |
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Critical Reasoning: A Romp Through the Foothills of Logic |
The Nature Of Argument: How to Recognise Arguments |
Lecture 1 of 6 in Marianne Talbot's series on critical reasoning for beginners. |
Marianne Talbot |
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European Studies Centre |
Poland, Ukraine, and the Politics of History |
POMP Lecture by Timothy Snyder. |
Timothy Snyder |
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Women in Science |
If I knew then what I know now. Being resourceful and strategic in traversing the science career landscape |
An inspirational careers talk given to young female science students as part of the 3rd Annual OxFest Symposium 2014 - "WHY SO SLOW? Closing the gender gap in STEM". |
Elizabeth Pollitzer |
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Women in Science |
Lessons learned on the way up - how to take control of your career in STEM and still have a life! |
Inspirational talk given to young female science students as part of the 3rd Annual OxFest Symposium 2014 - "WHY SO SLOW? Closing the gender gap in STEM" Thursday 27th February 2014 |
Jackie Hunter |
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Women in Science |
Career, Creativity and Confidence |
An inspirational talk given to young female science students by engineer Roma Agrawal as part of the OxFest Symposium 2014 - "WHY SO SLOW? Closing the gender gap in STEM", |
Roma Agrawal |
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Centre for the Study of the Book |
The History of Oxford University Press |
Adam Smyth is joined by Professor Ian Gadd to discuss his just-published collection on the history of OUP. |
Adam Smyth, Ian Gadd |
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Writers in Dialogue |
Peter D McDonald in conversation with Daljit Nagra |
Peter D. McDonald talks to the poet Daljit Nagra about cultural diversity, the contemporary life and history of the English language, the canons of English literature, and translation. |
Peter McDonald, Daljit Nagra |
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Refugee Studies Centre |
Creation, imagination, speculation: age assessment and the asylum procedure |
Public Seminar Series, Hilary term 2014. Seminar by Professor Gregor Noll (Lund University) recorded on 5 March 2014 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Gregor Noll |
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Department of Education Public Seminars |
Can Psychological Research Improve Selection of Teachers? |
In this talk, Prof. Klassen, University of York, considers how psychological research can inform how teachers are selected for training and practice, leading to new selection approaches that can strengthen the quality of schools in the UK and elsewhere. |
Robert Klassen |
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Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) |
Roads of separation: infrastructure politics, "creeping migration" and de facto delimitation in rural Central Asia |
Part of the COMPAS Seminar Series Michaelmas 2013: Rebordering: reflections in relation to (post)socialism |
Madeleine Reeves |
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Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) |
Everyday practices at the Russia - China - Mongolia border |
Part of the COMPAS Seminar Series Michaelmas 2013: Rebordering: reflections in relation to (post)socialism |
Caroline Humphrey |
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Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) |
Postsocialist subject as a new other: global coloniality, border thinking and decolonial option |
Part of the COMPAS Seminar Series Michaelmas 2013: Rebordering: reflections in relation to (post)socialism |
Madina Tlostanova |
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Wolfson College Podcasts |
In conversation with Steven Pinker |
Experimental psychologist, cognitive scientist, linguist, and popular science author Steven Pinker fields questions from Graduate students at Wolfson College. |
Steven Pinker, Charumati Raghavan, Mengyin Jiang, Florence Enock, Raluca David |
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Oxford Internet Institute - Lectures and Seminars |
Working worlds: perspectives and problems of a tool for thinking about modern science |
Jon Agar will introduce the concept of working worlds, illustrate how they can be used to think about past and present science, and identify some problems and issues. |
Jon Agar |
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Oxford Internet Institute - Lectures and Seminars |
Privacy in a Digital Age |
Julian Huppert discusses privacy in a digital age. |
Julian Huppert |
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Study Programmes at Continuing Education |
An Introduction to the Oxford University International Politics Summer School |
A short introduction to the Oxford University International Politics Summer School by the Programme Director and students. |
Paul Chaisty, Mohammed Al Hinai, Fiona Glenister, Nelleke Hijmans, Timothy Sloan |
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Study Programmes at Continuing Education |
An Introduction to the Oxford University Creative Writing Summer School |
A short introduction to the Oxford University Creative Writing Summer School by the Programme Director and students. |
Tara Stubbs, John Collins, Dalia Hosn, Nathan Smale, Alisa Smith |
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Study Programmes at Continuing Education |
Studying archaeology at Oxford University Department for Continuing Education |
Information about the range of part-time archaeology courses on offer at Oxford University Department for Continuing Education. |
David Griffiths |
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Wolfson College Podcasts |
The better angels of our nature: A history of violence and humanity |
Steven Pinker gives a compelling account of the unacknowledged worldwide decline of violence in the 2014 Haldane Lecture |
Steven Pinker |
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Oh What a Lovely War? First World War Anniversary Lectures |
“If you do not want to see God’s hand in everything, even in the most unbearable, you are lost.” Experiencing the First World War Alongside Kaiser Wilhelm II |
Leeds University's Professor of Central European History, editor of An Improbable War?The Outbreak of World War I and European Politicsl Culture before 1914, views the war through the letters of one of the Kaiser's generals to his wife. |
Holger Afflerbach |
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Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) |
A matter of convention? Drawing lines between slavery and freedom, and between forced and voluntary migration |
Julia O'Connell Davidson considers historical notions of slavery and how they can or cannot be applied to modern situations of forced migration. |
Julia O'Connell Davidson |
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Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) |
The Political Economy of Tied Migrant Labour |
Martin Ruhs, COMPAS, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the COMPAS podcast series |
Martin Ruhs |
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Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) |
Survival Migration: Failed Governance and the Crisis of Displacement |
Alexander Betts, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the COMPAS seminar series |
Alexander Betts |
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Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) |
Where does migration sit within the debate over the future of the UK and Scotland? |
Allan Findlay, David McCollum and Jakub Bijak give a talk on migration and Scotland |
Allan Findlay, David McCollum, Jakub Bijak |
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Refugee Studies Centre |
The right to seek and obtain asylum under the African human rights system |
Public Seminar Series, Hilary term 2014. Seminar by Dr Chaloka Beyani (London School of Economics and the United Nations). Recorded on 26 February 2014 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Chaloka Beyani |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
Could PR be the saviour of Journalism? |
Professor Anne Gregory, Leeds Metropolitan University, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute Seminar Series |
Anne Gregory |
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Oxford Internet Institute - Lectures and Seminars |
Thoughts Towards a History of ICT4D - And Its Future Role |
David Souter uses the history and development of ICT4D as a framework to critique ICT4D approaches and consider the relevance of ICTs and ICT4D to the post-2015 development agenda. |
David Souter |
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Oxford Internet Institute - Lectures and Seminars |
How best to communicate with communities affected by disaster? Case Studies from Typhoon Haiyan |
This seminar will investigate how different technologies were used by CDAC Network Members in the immediate response to Typhoon Haiyan, focusing particularly on how needs assessment data was collected, shared and acted upon. |
Nicki Bailey |
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History of Art: Careers in Arts and Heritage |
Careers Seminar 2014 - Collections Management in a Historic House |
A careers event organised by Lucy Hawkins (Careers Service) and Rachel Woodruff, (History of Art Dept) with speakers from the Arts and Heritage sectors, including recent alumni of the Department, providing insights into their careers. |
Emily Roy |
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History of Art: Careers in Arts and Heritage |
Careers Seminar 2014 - Finding Yourself in Advertising |
A careers event organised by Lucy Hawkins (Careers Service) and Rachel Woodruff, (History of Art Dept) with speakers from the Arts and Heritage sectors, including recent alumni of the Department, providing insights into their careers. |
Elle Graham-Dixon |
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History of Art: Careers in Arts and Heritage |
Careers Seminar 2014 - Introduction |
A careers event organised by Lucy Hawkins (Careers Service) and Rachel Woodruff, (History of Art Dept) with speakers from the Arts and Heritage sectors, including recent alumni of the Department, providing insights into their careers. |
Lucy Hawkins |
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Technology and Management for Development |
Distinguished Guest Lecture with UNIDO Director General Li Yong |
On 13 February 2014, the Technology and Management for Development Centre hosted the Distinguished Guest Lecture with Mr Yong Li, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Director General. |
Yong Li |
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International Migration Institute |
THEMIS: ‘Brain-gain' return of India’s high-skilled entrepreneurs |
Malasree Neepa Acharya presents her paper '‘Brain-gain' return of India’s high-skilled entrepreneurs: Home, transformation, and power politics in the cosmopolitan global south' in Parallel session V(D) of the conference Examining Migration Dynamics |
Malasree Neepa Acharya |
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Oxford Human Rights Hub Seminars |
The Challenge of Adjudicating Social Democratic Values in a Capitalist Society |
Judge Dhaya Pillay, Judge of the High Court in Pietermaritzburg and Durban |
Dhaya Pillay |
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Border Criminologies |
The End of Settler Societies and Why it Changes Immigration |
Professor Catherine Dauvergne, University of British Columbia |
Catherine Dauvergne |
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Oxford Human Rights Hub Seminars |
The End of Settler Societies and Why it Changes Immigration |
Professor Catherine Dauvergne, University of British Columbia |
Catherine Dauvergne |
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Department of Social Policy 2013-14 Centenary Lectures |
Barnett House: a hundred years of research policy and practice |
George Smith, Teresa Smith, Liz Peretz, Department of Social Policy and Intervention, gave a lecture as part of the Centenary seminar series in Michaelmas Term 2013. |
George Smith, Teresa Smith, Elizabeth Peretz |
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Department of Social Policy 2013-14 Centenary Lectures |
A brief history of randomised controlled trails in education (over the last 100 years) |
Professor Carole Torgerson, Durham University, gives a talk as part of the Centenary seminar series in Michaelmas Term 2013, celebrating 100 years of social enquiry at Oxford University's Department of Social Policy and Intervention. |
Carole Torgerson |
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Department of Social Policy 2013-14 Centenary Lectures |
Warfare and the welfare state: causal mechanisms and effects |
Professor Herbert Obinger, University of Bremen, gives a talk as part of the Centenary seminar series in Michaelmas Term 2013, celebrating 100 years of social enquiry at Oxford University's Department of Social Policy and Intervention. |
Herbert Obinger |
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Department of Social Policy 2013-14 Centenary Lectures |
Using social science research to influence policy: the case of the family justice system |
Ceridwen Roberts, Department of Social Policy and Intervention, gives a talk as part of the Centenary seminar series in Michaelmas Term 2013, celebrating 100 years of social enquiry at Oxford University's Department of Social Policy and Invervention. |
Ceridwen Roberts |
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Building a Business |
Future Proofing Business: Beyond CSR |
Pamela Hartigan, Director, Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, Saïd Business School, discusses some emerging models of entrepreneurial ventures that have a social and/or environmental mission at their core. |
Pamela Hartigan |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Building a Business |
Understanding Financial Control |
Simon Husband, Director, Richardsons Financial Group gives some frank advice on taxes, record-keeping and financial control for entrepreneurs in the early stage of business. |
Simon Husband |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Oh What a Lovely War? First World War Anniversary Lectures |
The War and English Religion |
Merton College's Tutor in History, an historian of 20th century Britain, argues that English Christianity survived the First World War rather better than is often assumed. |
Matthew Grimley |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
International Migration Institute |
Hilary Seminar Series 2014: Fortress Europe or Europe of Rights? |
'Fortress Europe or Europe of Rights? The Europeanization of family migration policies in France, Germany, and the Netherlands' presented by Saskia Bonjour (Leiden University). |
Saskia Bonjour |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
International Migration Institute |
Hilary Seminar Series 2014: The numbers game |
'The numbers game: Targets and indicators in UK immigration policy' presented by Christina Boswell (University of Edinburgh). |
Christina Boswell |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
International Migration Institute |
THEMIS: Egypt: Migration, revolution, and social change |
Philip Marfleet presents his paper 'Egypt: Migration, revolution, and social change' in Parallel session VI(D) of the conference Examining Migration Dynamics: Networks and Beyond, 24-26 Sept 2013 |
Philip Marfleet |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
International Migration Institute |
THEMIS: Elites and emulators: the evolution of an Iraqi Kurdish - European migration system |
Erlend Paasche presents his paper 'Elites and emulators: the evolution of an Iraqi Kurdish - European migration system' in Parallel session VI(D) of the conference Examining Migration Dynamics: Networks and Beyond, 24-26 Sept 2013 |
Erlend Paasche |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
International Migration Institute |
THEMIS: Skilled Iranians in Germany and the United States: Exploring migrants' networks |
Uta Lehmann presents her paper 'Skilled Iranians in Germany and the United States: exploring migrants' networks' in Parallel session V(C) of the conference Examining Migration Dynamics: Networks and Beyond, 24-26 Sept 2013 |
Uta Lehmann |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
International Migration Institute |
THEMIS: Beyond migrant lives: The rise and fall of meso-level actors |
Joana Sousa Ribeiro presents his paper 'Beyond migrant lives: the rise and fall of meso-level actors' in Parallel session VI(B) of the conference Examining Migration Dynamics: Networks and Beyond, 24-26 Sept 2013 |
Joana Sousa Ribeiro |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
International Migration Institute |
THEMIS: Dis-locating the local: A study of the migrants originating from the Indian enclaves |
Sanghita Datta presents her paper 'Dis-locating the local: A study of the migrants originating from the Indian enclaves' in Parallel session V(E) of the conference Examining Migration Dynamics: Networks and Beyond, 24-26 Sept 2013 |
Sanghita Datta |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
International Migration Institute |
THEMIS: Accounting for diversity in Polish migration in Europe: motivation and early integration |
Lucinda Platt presents her paper 'Accounting for diversity in Polish migration in Europe' co-authored by Renee Luthra & Justyna Salamonska in Parallel session VI(B) of the conference Examining Migration Dynamics: Networks and Beyond, 24-26 Sept 2013 |
Lucinda Platt |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
International Migration Institute |
THEMIS: Migrant networks and the migration process |
Alexandra Winkels presents her paper 'Migrant networks and the migration process: considering the spatial and temporal dimensions of social capital' in Parallel session V(D) of the conference Examining Migration Dynamics: Networks and Beyond, 24-26 Sep 13 |
Alexandra Winkels |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
International Migration Institute |
THEMIS: Citizens of Kazakhstan in a Russian city: factors facilitating and limiting transnational activities (the case of Novosibirsk) |
Larisa Kosygina presents her paper 'Citizens of Kazakhstan in a Russian city: factors facilitating and limiting transnational activities' in Parallel session VI(C) of the conference Examining Migration Dynamics: Networks and Beyond, 24-26 Sept 2013 |
Larisa Kosygina |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |