Was there a strategic alternative to the atomic bombing of 1945? |
Delve into history with Dr Rob Johnson, Director of The Changing Character of War Centre at Oxford, as he explores a pivotal question. |
Rob Johnson |
Oxford Physics and the ‘remote and speculative project’ |
A lecture by Prof Stephen Blundell, Professor of Physics – Condensed Matter - (Department of Physics and Mansfield College). |
Stephen Blundell |
Nuclear Physics and the development of the bomb |
Explore the history of atomic bomb development with Dr. Georg Viehhauser, Particle Physics Research Lecturer at St John's College, Oxford. |
Georg Viehhauser |
IceCube: Opening a New Window on the Universe from the South Pole |
Particle Physics Christmas Lecture, hosted by Prof. Daniela Bortoletto, Head of Particle Physics and senior members of the department with guest speaker, Professor Francis Halzen. |
Daniela Bortoletto, Francis Halzen |
The First Image of a Black Hole |
Professor Heino Falcke of Radboud University, Nijmegen delivers the 19th Hintze Lecture - reviewing the latest results of the Event Horizon Telescope, its scientific implications and future expansions of the array |
Heino Falcke |
The Many Universes of Quantum Materials |
Professor Stephen Blundell explores the many universes of quantum materials for the 2019 Quantum Materials Public Lecture. |
Stephen Blundell |
Gravitational Waves and Prospects for Multi-messenger Astronomy |
Professor Barry C Barish gives a talk on the quest for the detection of gravitational waves. |
Barry C. Barrish |
Finding aliens – An update on the search for life in the Universe |
Bill Diamond, President & CEO The SETI Institute gives an an update on the search for life in the Universe. Hosted by Ian Shipsey, Head of Physics. |
Bill Diamond, Ian Shipsey |
Cherwell-Simon Memorial Lecture: The XENON Project: at the forefront of Dark Matter Direct Detection |
What is the Dark Matter which makes 85% of the matter in the Universe? We have been asking this question for many decades and used a variety of experimental approaches to address it, with detectors on Earth and in space. |
Elena Aprile |
Is Dark Matter Made of Black Holes |
The 2019 Halley lecture |
Marc Kamionkowski |
The Role of Gas in Galaxy Evolution |
Professor Jacqueline van Gorkom delivers the 18th Hintze Lecture. |
Jacqueline van Gorkom |
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance - Past, Present and Future |
Professor Mark Newton describes some of the key events in the discovery and development of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). |
Mark Newton |
The Quantum and the Cosmos |
The 17th Hintze Lecture, given by Professor Rocky Kolb, Arthur Holly Compton Distinguished Service Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics, The University of Chicago. |
Rocky Kolb |
The Search for Life on Earth, In Space and Time |
Dr James Green, current Chief Scientist of NASA gives a talk on the how life may be distributed on Earth and in the Solar System with consideration of the age of our sun. |
James Green |
How do we find planets around other stars? |
The 3rd Wetton lecture, 19th June 2018 delivered by Professor David W. Hogg, Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, New York University |
David W Hogg |
The Quest for Nearby Habitable Worlds |
The 16th Hintze lecture, 25th April 2018 delivered by Professor René Doyon, Director, Mont-Mégantic Observatory & Institute for Research on Exoplanets, University of Montreal, Canada |
Rene Doyon |
ALMA and the Birth of Stars Across Galaxies |
The 2018 Astor Visiting Lecture 14th March 2018 delivered by Professor Adam Leroy, Ohio State University. |
Adam Leroy |
The State of the Universe |
Our Universe was created in 'The Big Bang' and has been expanding ever since. Professor Schmidt describes the vital statistics of the Universe, and tries to make sense of the Universe's past, present, and future. |
Brian Schmidt |
Superconductors: Miracle Materials |
An introduction to the fascinating world of superconductors and the many surprising phenomena they exhibit, from zero resistance to quantum levitation. |
Andrew Boothroyd |
Quantum physics and the nature of computing |
How can we test a quantum computer? An exploration of some of the theoretical puzzles of this field and how we can investigate them with experimental physics. |
Jelmer Renema |
Superconductors: why it’s cool to be repulsive |
A family-friendly demonstration of superconductors in action. Fran explores the low temperatures we need to make them work, and how we can use superconductors for levitating trains. |
Fran Kirschner |
Cassini-Huygens: Space Odyssey to Saturn and Titan |
Public Lecture organised by the Aeronautical Society of Oxford in conjunction with the Department of Physics. |
David Southwood |
Observation of the mergers of binary black holes: The opening of gravitational wave astronomy |
The 2017 Halley Lecture 7th June 2017 delivered by Professor Rainer Weiss, MIT on behalf of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration |
Rainer Weiss |
Ghost Imaging with Quantum Light |
Physics Colloquium 26th May 2017 delivered by Professor Miles Padgett, University of Glasgow |
Miles Padgett |
Pulsars and Extreme Physics - A 50th Anniversary |
Physics Colloquium 5th May 2017 delivered by Dame Professor Jocelyn Bell Burnell |
Jocelyn Bell Burnell |
Starquakes Expose Stellar Heartbeats |
The 14th Hintze Biannual Lecture 4th May 2017 delivered by Professor Conny Aerts - Director, Institute of Astronomy KU Leuven |
Connie Aerts |
Curiosity’s Search for Ancient Habitable Environments at Gale Crater, Mars |
4th Annual Lobanov-Rostovsky Lecture in Planetary Geology delivered by Professor John Grotzinger, Caltech, USA |
John Grotzinger |
Spatio-temporal Optical Vortices |
Physics Colloquium 10th March 2017 delivered by Professor Howard Milchberg, University of Maryland, USA |
Howard Milchberg |
Learning new physics from a medieval thinker: Big Bangs and Rainbows |
Physics Colloquium 24 February 2017 delivered by Professor Tom McLeish FRS, Department of Physics and Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Durham University, UK |
Tom McLeish |
The applied side of Bell nonlocality |
Physics Colloquium 17 February 2016 delivered by Professor Valerio Scarani |
Valerio Scarani |
The Beauty of Flavour - Latest results from the LHCb experiment at the Large Hadron Collider |
Physics Colloquium 3 February 2017 delivered by Professor Val Gibson, Cambridge |
Val Gibson |
From Materials to Cosmology: Studying the early universe under the microscope |
Physics Colloquium 27 January 2017 delivered by Professor Nicola Spaldin, ETH Zurich |
Nicola Spaldin |
The Future of Particle Physics Panel Discussion |
Panel discussion with Prof John Womersley (STFC), Prof John Wheater (Department of Physics), Prof Ian Shipsey (Particle Physics), Prof Dave Wark (Particle Physics), Prof Daniella Bortoletto (Physics) and Prof Subir Sarkar (Particle Theory Group) |
John Womersley, John Wheater, Ian Shipsey, Dave Wark, Daniella Bortoletto, Subir Sarkar |
The Future of Particle Physics: The Particle Physics Christmas Lecture |
Professor John Womersley (STFC) gives the Particle Physics Christmas Lecture. |
John Womersley |
Astronomy at the Highest Energies: Exploring the Extreme Universe with Gamma Rays |
Physics Colloquium 25 November 2016 delivered by Dr Jamie Holder |
Jamie Holder |
Exotic combinations of quarks - A journey of fifty years |
Physics Colloquium 11 November 2016 delivered by Professor Jon Rosner |
Jon Rosner |
Our Simple but Strange Universe |
The 13th Hintze Biannual Lecture delivered by Professor David Spergel |
David Spergel |
Searching for - and finding! Gravitational Waves |
Physics Colloquium 27th October 2016 delivered by Professor Gabriela Gonzalez |
Gabriela Gonzalez |
Visualizing Quantum Matter |
Physics Colloquium 28 October 2016 delivered by Professor Séamus Davis |
Séamus Davis |
Atmospheric Circulation and Climate Change |
Physics Colloquium 21st October 2016 delivered by Professor Theodore (Ted) Shepherd |
Theodore (Ted) Shepherd |
The explosion mechanism of massive stars |
Physics Colloquium 14th October 2016 delivered by Professor Thierry Foglizzo |
Thierry Foglizzo |
Quantum Sensors sans Frontier |
Physics Colloquium 10th June 2016 delivered by Professor Swapan Chattopadhyay |
Swapan Chattopadhyay |
The Origins and Evolution of Exoplanet Atmospheres and Oceans |
3rd Annual Lobanov-Rostovsky Lecture in Planetary Geology delivered by Professor Raymond T Pierrehumbert. |
Raymond T Pierrehumbert |
Bionic Hearing: the Science and the Experience |
Physics Colloquium 20th May 2016 delivered by Ian Shipsey |
Ian Shipsey |
Unveiling the Birth of Stars and Galaxies |
The 2016 Hintze Biannual Lecture delivered by Professor Robert Kennicutt |
Robert Kennicutt |
ECHO, ECHo, Echo, echo... When echoes overwhelm Landau damping |
Physics Colloquium 6th May 2016 delivered by Professor William Dorland |
William Dorland |
The Unity of the Universe |
The Final Dennis Sciama Memorial Lecture delivered by Professor David Deutsch |
David Deutsch |
Engineering Defects in Diamond |
Physics Colloquium 26th February 2016 delivered by Professor Mark Newton |
Mark Newton |
Optical Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Single Molecules and Single Plasmonic Gold Nanoparticles |
Physics Colloquium 19th February 2016 delivered by Professor Michel Orrit |
Michel Orrit |
Stellarators, Fusion Energy and the Wendelstein 7-X Experiment |
Physics Colloquium 29th January 2016 delivered by Professor Per Helender |
Per Helender |
Epidemics, Erdös Numbers and the Internet: the Physics of Networks |
Physics Colloquium 12th February 2016 delivered by Professor Mark Newman |
Mark Newman |
DalitzFest |
The Scientific Legacy of Dick Dalitz |
Frank Close, Christopher Llewellyn-Smith |
Quantum Computer Simulation of Chemistry and Materials: Advances and Perspectives |
Physics Colloquium 5th February 2016 delivered by Professor Alán Aspuru-Guzik |
Alán Aspuru-Guzik |
Seeing the High Energy Universe with IceCube |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 3rd morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Inner Space Meets Outer Space: Covering the Connections Between Cosmology and Particle Physics |
Subir Sarkar |
Growing Black Holes over 12 Billion Years |
The 2015 Hintze Biannual Lecture delivered by Professor Meg Urry |
Meg Urry |
The Einstein Lens and a Tale of Two Eclipses |
Physics Colloquium 20th November 2015 delivered by Professor Tom Ray |
Tom Ray |
At a Physics Info/Sci Intersection |
Physics Colloquium 30th October 2015 delivered by Professer Paul Ginsparg |
Paul Ginsparg |
How hot will it get in a world run by economists? A physicist’s take on climate change policy |
Physics Colloquium 23rd October 2015 delivered by Professor Myles Allen |
Myles Allen |
Understanding the Monsoon |
The 2015 Halley Lecture delivered by Professor Peter J. Webster |
Peter J. Webster |
Parlez-vous Beams? The Frontier of Beam Physics and Accelerator Science: from High Energy Particle Colliders to Quantum Degenerate Beams |
Physics Colloquium 12th June 2015 delivered by Professer Swapan Chattopadhyay |
Swapan Chattopadhyay |
The Quantum Universe |
The 2015 Hintze Lecture delivered by Professor Hitoshi Murayama |
Hitoshi Murayama |
Chasing Fast Dynamos in the Plasma Lab |
Physics Colloquium 29th May 2015 delivered by Professor Cary Forest |
Cary Forest |
Climate Observations from Space |
Physics Colloquium 5th June 2015 delivered by Professor Stephen Briggs |
Stephen Briggs |
Cosmology from the Microwave Background |
Physics Colloquium 22nd May 2015 delivered by Professor Jo Dunkley |
Jo Dunkley |
Everything from nothing, or how our universe was made |
The 2015 Wetton Lecture delivered by Professor Carlos Frenk |
Carlos Frenk |
Topological Boundary Modes from Quantum Electronics to Classical Mechanics |
The 2015 Cherwell-Simon Lecture delivered by Professor Charles Kane |
Charles Kane |
The Higgs Boson and Particle Physics at the LHC: a Progress Report and Plans for the Future |
Physics Colloquium 13th February 2015 Deliverd by Daniela Bortoletto |
Daniela Bortoletto |
Science with a crowd: The Zooniverse from Galaxy Zoo to LSST |
Physics Colloquium 30th January 2015 delivered by Chris Lintott |
Chris Lintott |
Colours from Earth: preparing for exo-earth characterisation |
Physics Colloquium 6th March 2015 deliverd by Robert Fosbury |
Robert Fosbury |
LHC searches for dark matter |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 6th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the ways in which ideas from theoretical particle physics guide the high energy accelerator program at CERN |
Ulrich Haisch |
Precision Studies of the Higgs |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 6th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the ways in which ideas from theoretical particle physics guide the high energy accelerator program at CERN |
Giulia Zanderighi |
The Standard Model and the LHC! in the Higgs Boson Era |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 6th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the ways in which ideas from theoretical particle physics guide the high energy accelerator programme at CERN. |
Juan Rojo |
Matter Emerges from the Vacuum |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the first Saturday Morning of Theoretical Physics on 22 June 2013. The event focussed on how we use field theory to understand material reality. |
Joseph Conlon |
Plasma Tamed, Fusion Power and the Theoretical Challenge |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Plasmas: the normal form of matter and the key to unlimited energy. |
Steve Cowley |
String Theory on the Sky |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 3rd morning of Theoretical Physics. The event focused on the interface between theoretical developments in particle physics and astrophysics/cosmology. |
David Marsh |
Black Holes, Axions and the Gravitational Atom in the Sky |
Physics Colloquium 5th December 2014 delivered by Dr Asimina Arvanitak |
Asimina Arvanitak |
The Vacuum Comes Alive |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 1st morning of Theoretical Physics covering how we use field theory to understand material reality |
James Binney |
Living Matter: a theoretical physics perspective |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 2nd morning of Theoretical Physics covering ideas from theoretical physics currently being applied to living systems |
Ramin Golestanian |
Motility in Living Matter |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 2nd morning of Theoretical Physics covering ideas from theoretical physics currently being applied to living systems |
Julia Yeomans |
Inner Space Meets Outer Space |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the connections between cosmology and particle physics. |
Subir Sarkar |
Darkness Visible: The Hunt For Dark Matter |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the connections between cosmology and particle physics. |
Felix Kahlhoefer |
Plasma: What It Is, How To Make It and How To Hold It |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Plasmas: the normal form of matter and the key to unlimited energy |
Felix Parra-Diaz |
Turbulence: Plasma Unleashed |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Plasmas: the normal form of matter and the key to unlimited energy |
Alexander Schekochihin |
Ice Cores, Climate and Sea Ice |
Physics Colloquium 14th November 2014 delivered by Prof Eric Wolff |
Eric Wolff |
Inside the Centre: The Life and Work of J. Robert Oppenheimer |
Physics Colloquium 21st November 2014 delivered by Prof Ray Monk |
Ray Monk |
Millisecond Pulsars, Magnetars, and Black Holes: The Wickedly Cool Stellar Undead |
The 9th Hintze Lecture delivered by Professor Scott Ransom |
Scott Ransom |
A Physicist’s View of the Emergence of Terrestrial Vertebrates |
Physics Colloquium 7th November 2014. Delivered by Professor Steve Balbus, Savilian Professor of Astronomy, Head of Astrophysics, University of Oxford. |
Steve Balbus |
Science and the Art of Inventiveness |
Physics Colloquium 24th October 2014. Delivered by Professor Andrei Seryi, Director of the John Adams Institute. |
Andrei Seryi |
Black holes in the nearby Universe |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 5th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Black holes: where physics reaches its limit. |
John Magorrian |
The impact of black holes on the Universe |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 5th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Black holes: where physics reaches its limit. |
James Binney |
Black holes in Einstein's gravity and beyond |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 5th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Black holes: where physics reaches its limit. |
Andrei Starinets |
How the Universe Evolved From Smooth to Lumpy -- the Physics of Galaxy Formation |
The 2014 Halley Lecture delivered by Professor Eliot Quataert |
Eliot Quataert |
Churchill, Oxford physicists and the Bomb |
Physics Colloquium 30th May delivered by Graham Farmelo |
Graham Farmelo |
PT-symmetric Quantum Mechanics |
Physics Colloquium 23rd May Delivered by Professor Carl M. Bender |
Carl Bender |
Galaxies and the Intergalactic Medium |
10th Dennis Sciama Memorial Lecture by Prof. James Binney. |
James Binney |
Turning in the Widening Gyre: Accretion Processes in the Universe |
Inaugural Lecture by Professor Steven Balbus looking at the history of the universe |
Steven Balbus |
Lorenz Gödel and Penrose: new perspectives on determinism and unpredictability, from fundamental physics to the science of climate change |
The 9th Dennis Sciama Memorial Lecture, looking at chaos theory and climate change |
Tim Palmer |
Building stars, planets and the ingredients for life between the stars |
Halley Lecture 2013 by Professor Dr Ewine van Dishoeck on new developments in astronomy |
Ewine van Dishoeck |
The Fast Track to Finding an Inhabited Exoplanet |
The 8th Hintze Lecture by Professor David Charbonneau looking at investigating habitable exoplanets. |
David Charbonneau |
Radiation and Reason |
Professor Wade Allison gives a talk about his book 'Radiation and Reason; The Impact of Science on a Culture of Fear'. |
Wade Allison |