Tower Poetry |
So, how does it feel to win? |
Ashani Lewis (winner of the 2016 Christopher Tower Poetry competition) talks to one of the judges, Katherine Rundell, about how it feels to have won first prize. |
Ashani Lewis, Katherine Rundell |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Tower Poetry |
The most amazing experience |
Ashani Lewis (winner of the 2016 Christopher Tower Poetry competition) talks to one of the judges, Katherine Rundell, about the experience of winning in 2016. |
Ashani Lewis, Katherine Rundell |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Tower Poetry |
From being unplaced in the 2015 competition to winning in 2016. |
Ashani Lewis (winner of the 2016 Christopher Tower Poetry competition) talks to one of the judges, Katherine Rundell, about how she went from being unplaced in the 2015 competition to winning in 2016. |
Ashani Lewis, Katherine Rundell |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Tower Poetry |
Let the poem come to you |
Ashani Lewis (winner of the 2016 Christopher Tower Poetry competition) talks to one of the judges, Katherine Rundell, about she went from being unplaced in the 2015 competition to winning in 2016. |
Ashani Lewis, Katherine Rundell |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Tower Poetry |
If at first you don't succeed' |
Ashani Lewis (winner of the 2016 Christopher Tower Poetry competition) talks to one of the judges, Katherine Rundell, about how she went from being unplaced in the 2015 competition to winning in 2016. |
Katherine Rundell, Ashani Lewis |
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Tower Poetry |
Tower Poetry 2016: Driving Lesson |
Commended winner of the 2016 Christopher Tower Poetry competition, Ed Pryor, reads his poem 'Driving Lesson'. |
Ed Pryor |
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Tower Poetry |
Tower Poetry 2016: Nine Days |
Commended winner of the 2016 Christopher Tower Poetry competition, Natasha Blinder, reads her poem 'Nine Days' |
Natasha Blinder |
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Tower Poetry |
Tower Poetry 2016: UFO Beach Abduction |
Commended winner of the 2016 Christopher Tower Poetry competition, Grace Fraser, reads her poem 'UFO Beach Abduction'. |
Grace Fraser |
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Tower Poetry |
Tower Poetry 2016: Flowers From The Dark |
Winner of the 2016 Christopher Tower Poetry competition, Ashani Lewis, reads her poem 'Flowers From The Dark' |
Ashani Lewis |
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Tower Poetry |
Tower Poetry 2016: The Awakening |
Commended winner of the 2016 Christopher Tower Poetry competition, Sophia West, reads her poem 'The Awakening'. |
Sophia West |
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Free Speech Debate |
Rae Langton on philosophy, free speech and pornography |
In this interview for Free Speech Debate, renowned Philosophy Professor Rae Langton speaks about the value of philosophy for our understanding of free speech and discusses aspects of her work on pornography and the silencing of women. |
Rae Langton |
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Free Speech Debate |
Should Europe introduce a ‘right to blaspheme’? |
Alain Bouldoires talks to Timothy Garton Ash about the survival of blasphemy laws in Europe, and calls for a ‘right to blaspheme’. |
Alain Bouldoires |
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Free Speech Debate |
Jytte Klausen on Yale University and the Danish cartoons |
Professor Jytte Klausen analyses and criticises Yale University Press’s decision to remove images of Muhammad from her scholarly book on the Danish cartoons controversy. |
Jytte Klausen |
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Free Speech Debate |
Daniel Bell on Confucianism and free speech |
Confucianism’s defence of political speech does not necessarily apply to other forms of expression, says Bell |
Daniel Bell |
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Free Speech Debate |
Evgeny Morozov on the dark side of internet freedom |
Author Evgeny Morozov highlights the dangers that sometimes emerge when governments and corporations harness the internet to serve their own objectives. |
Evgeny Morozov |
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Free Speech Debate |
Giles Fraser on free speech and religion |
Giles Fraser, commentator and Anglican priest, talks with Free Speech Debate about the relationship between free speech and religion, and the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris. |
Giles Fraser |
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Free Speech Debate |
Mark Thompson on the BBC and religion |
The director general of the BBC explains why it aired Jerry Springer: The Opera, and talks about different responses to Christianity and Islam. |
Mark Thompson |
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Free Speech Debate |
A former British agent makes the case for whistleblowing |
Former British MI5 agent Annie Machon revealed, together with David Shayler, alleged criminal behaviour within the agency. |
Annie Machon, David Shayler |
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Asian Studies Centre |
Tagore and the theology of the global |
Professor Pradip Dutta speaks on Tagore at the South Asia Seminar |
Pradip Dutta |
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Asian Studies Centre |
On the Colonisation of India: Public Meetings, Debates and Disputes (Calcutta 1829) |
Professor Chaudhuri speaks at the South Asia Seminar on a public meeting held in Calcutta, on December 15th, 1829. |
Rosinka Chaudhuri |
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Oxford Physics Public Lectures |
Quantum Sensors sans Frontier |
Physics Colloquium 10th June 2016 delivered by Professor Swapan Chattopadhyay |
Swapan Chattopadhyay |
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Oxford Physics Public Lectures |
The Origins and Evolution of Exoplanet Atmospheres and Oceans |
3rd Annual Lobanov-Rostovsky Lecture in Planetary Geology delivered by Professor Raymond T Pierrehumbert. |
Raymond T Pierrehumbert |
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Alumni Voices |
Freelance journalist and Broadcaster, Henry Bonsu (Magdalen, 1986) |
Freelance journalist and broadcaster Henry Bonsu shares his experiences studying Modern Languages at Magdalen College and offers an insight into what it was like to be a black student at Oxford in the late eighties. |
Henry Bonsu |
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The Oxford Centre for Life-Writing |
Politics and Conflicts, Silence in the Archives Panel 2b |
This podcast is one of ten podcasts recorded at the 'Silence in the Archives' conference hosted by the Oxford Centre of Life-Writing at Wolfson College, Oxford on 7 November 2015. |
Rhea Sookdeosingh, Helen Mathers, Stephenie Woolterton |
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The Oxford Centre for Life-Writing |
Theatre and Performance, Silence in the Archives Panel 2a |
This podcast is one of ten podcasts recorded at the 'Silence in the Archives' conference hosted by the Oxford Centre of Life-Writing at Wolfson College, Oxford on 7 November 2015. |
Luisa Calè, Kate Newey |
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Strachey Lectures |
Strachey Lecture: Quantum Supremacy |
Dr Scott Aaronson (MIT, UT Austin) gives the 2016 Strachey lecture. |
Scott Aaronson |
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St John's College |
The history of the future |
The founders lecture 2016, by eminent historian and Honorary Fellow, Professor Sir Brian Harrison, FBA. |
Brian Harrison |
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Asian Studies Centre |
The prospects for enhancing democracy and development in the Philippines: The 2016 elections and beyond |
David Timberman speaks at the Southeast Asia seminar. |
David Timberman |
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The Tanner Lectures |
The Value of Europe and European Values |
The Right Honourable Shirley Williams gave this, the 2016 Tanner Lecture on Human Values, just before the European Referendum where voters would be deciding whether to remain in the EU or Brexit. |
Shirley Williams |
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The Nature of Causation |
Time and Causation |
Both time and causation seems to have the same 'direction’ . Can we explain this? |
Marianne Talbot |
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The Nature of Causation |
The singularist theory of causation |
The idea that causation is a relation science will one day discover. |
Marianne Talbot |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
News in the digital age, and how The Economist fits in |
Tom Standage, Deputy Editor, The Economist, gives a talk for the The Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Tom Standage |
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The Nature of Causation |
The regularity theory of causation |
Hume's famously influential account of causation |
Marianne Talbot |
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The Nature of Causation |
Mental Causation |
We do what we do because we believe what we believe. Or do we? How does mental causation work? |
Marianne Talbot |
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The Nature of Causation |
The counterfactual theory of causation |
The idea that event c causes event e if and only if had c not had occurred e would not have occurred either. |
Marianne Talbot |
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The Nature of Causation |
The necessary connection analysis of causation |
The idea that there are real metaphysical necessities relating cause and effect. |
Marianne Talbot |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
The Kidnapping of journalists: reporting from high-risk conflict zones |
Hannah Storm, director of International News Safety Institute (INSI) and RISJ author gives a talk for the The Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Hannah Storm |
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Anthropology |
The developmental origins of health and disease: adaptation reconsidered |
Ian Rickard (Durham) places the origins of the science of health and disease within a framework of evolutionary theory and a medical anthropology perspective (18 January 2016) |
Ian Rickard |
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Anthropology |
Obstructed labour: the classic obstetric dilemma and beyond |
Emma Pomeroy (Cambridge) places obstructed labour within an evolutionary perspective. A medical anthropology seminar given on 15 February 2016. |
Emma Pomeroy |
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Anthropology |
Maternal capital and offspring development |
Jonathan Wells (UCL Institute of Child Health) presents an intergenerational perspective on the development origins of health and disease. A medical anthropology seminar given on 29 February 2016. |
Jonathan Wells |
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Anthropology |
Tracing the origins of the HIV/AIDS pandemic |
Nuno Fario (Oxford) investigates the development of HIV since the discovery of its first, and diverse, genomes in 1959 and 1960. A medical anthropology seminar given on 7 March 2016. |
Nuno Faria |
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Anthropology |
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome |
Charlotte K. Russell (Parent-Infant Sleep Lab, Durham) looks at how evolutionary anthropology and cross-cultural perspectives can have a huge impact on specific healthcare issues such as SIDS (22 February 2016) |
Charlotte K. Russell |
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TORCH | The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities |
Chasing Butterflies: Capturing the Transience of Childhood |
Emily Knight talks at the Ashmolean Museum about eighteenth-century portraits of children. |
Emily Knight |
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TORCH | The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities |
The Death Masks of Macbeth |
Professor Simon Palfrey discusses the deaths and afterlives of Oliver Cromwell and Macbeth |
Simon Palfrey |
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TORCH | The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities |
Useful Frames and Dead Pasteboard |
Sarah Hook looks at Victorian photographic card portraits, and charts their appearances in novels and poems from the period. |
Sarah Hook |
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TORCH | The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities |
David Garrick's Wigless Celebrity |
Ruth Scobie's bite-sized talk on a portrait of David Garrick by Johan Zoffany |
Ruth Scobie |
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TORCH | The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities |
Messages through Ashmolean Portraits |
Vicky McGuinness's bite-sized talk at Ashmolean LiveFriday: Framed |
Victoria McGuinness |
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TORCH | The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities |
Andy Warhol's Girls |
Eleri Watson explores Andy Warhol's relationships with women. |
Eleri Watson |
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IDEAL Collaboration Conference 2016 |
Regulation of medical devices |
The application of the IDEAL framework through regulation, commission and policy. |
Art Sedrakyan |
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IDEAL Collaboration Conference 2016 |
Developments in surgical innovation evaluation |
Evolving IDEAL |
Peter McCulloch |
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Centre for the Study of African Economies Conference |
CSAE Conference 2016 - Interview with Doug Gollin |
Doug Gollin, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of African Economies, provides a brief history of the journal and a short overview of the 25th Anniversary JAE Panel held at the CSAE Conference 2016 |
Douglas Gollin |
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Faculty of Classics |
The Don Fowler Lecture 2016: Interpretation and the Metaphor of Authority |
The 2016 Don Fowler Memorial Lecture, delivered by Professor Alison Sharrock of the University of Manchester. |
Alison Sharrock |
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Asian Studies Centre |
Women and Conflict in India |
Dr Sanghamitra Choudhury speaks at the launch of her book on Women and Conflict in India |
Sanghamitra Choudhury |
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Department of Education Public Seminars |
What Can We Learn from students' reports of their secondary school experiences and their role in shaping academic outcomes at GCSE? |
This lecture discusses the development of various measures of students experiences and views of their secondary schools based on self report questionnaires taken at ages 14 & 16. |
Pamela Sammons |
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Asian Studies Centre |
Rediscovering the Primitive: Adivasi Histories in and after Subaltern Studies |
Uday Chandra speaks at the South Asia Seminar |
Uday Chandra |
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Global Health |
Why data management matters |
Naomi’s work focuses on supporting researchers to collect, clean and store research data. |
Naomi Waithira |
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Translational Medicine |
Why data management matters |
Naomi’s work focuses on supporting researchers to collect, clean and store research data. |
Naomi Waithira |
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Global Health |
Malaria laboratory at MORU |
Dr Kesinee Chotivanich's laboratory provides facilities and resources to researchers, students, and collaborators who are interested in tropical diseases, with the aim to improve patients’ care. |
Kesinee Chotivanich |
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Translational Medicine |
Malaria laboratory at MORU |
Dr Kesinee Chotivanich's laboratory provides facilities and resources to researchers, students, and collaborators who are interested in tropical diseases, with the aim to improve patients’ care. |
Kesinee Chotivanich |
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Translational and Clinical |
From information to structure |
Dr Brian Marsden aims to make structural and chemical biology data accessible to non-experts, by providing computational resources including data management, sample tracking, in silico modelling support plus provision of public access to SGC data. |
Brian Marsden |
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Translational Medicine |
From information to structure |
Dr Brian Marsden aims to make structural and chemical biology data accessible to non-experts, by providing computational resources including data management, sample tracking, in silico modelling support plus provision of public access to SGC data. |
Brian Marsden |
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Department of Engineering Science Lectures |
Space Engineering at Harwell |
Dr Anna Orlowska, Science, Technology and Facilities Council gives a talk on the Space Engineering at Harwell. |
Anna Orlowska |
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Department of Engineering Science Lectures |
Hypersonic to Hypervelocity Spacecraft Heat Transfer |
Professor Matthew McGilvray gives a talk on heat transfer issues involved in space flight re-entry. |
Matthew McGilvray |
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Department of Engineering Science Lectures |
Cooling the Mid-Infrared Instrument |
Paul Bailey, University of Oxford, gives a talk about cooling one of the instruments on the James Webb Telescope. |
Paul Bailey |
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Department of Engineering Science Lectures |
Paving the Path for Human Space Exploration: The Challenges and Opportunities |
The 42nd Maurice Lubbock Memorial Lecture: ‘Paving the Path for Human Space Exploration:The Challenges and Opportunities’ presented by Lauri N. Hansen, Director of Engineering, NASA Johnson Space Centre. |
Lauri N. Hansen |
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Asian Studies Centre |
Fighting Extremism Through Islamic Moderation |
Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir (Menteri Besar - Chief Minister - of Perak, Malaysia) speaks at St Antony's College |
Zambry Abdul Kadir |
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Green Templeton College |
Emerging Market Multinationals in the 21st Century |
Professor Avinash Dixit, the Sanjaya Lall Visiting Professor 2016, leads a panel discussion reviewing and explaining the rapid growth of emerging market multinationals over the last three decades. |
Avinash Dixit, Richard Peto, Tim Besley, Robert Wade, Beata Javorcik |
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Asian Studies Centre |
The Traffic in Hierarchy: Precedence and Power in Burmese Social Life |
Dr Ward Keeler speaks at the Southeast Asia Seminar. |
Ward Keeler |
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Oxford Physics Public Lectures |
Bionic Hearing: the Science and the Experience |
Physics Colloquium 20th May 2016 delivered by Ian Shipsey |
Ian Shipsey |
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Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) seminars |
The dynamics in the details: An ethnography of food aid, weights and measures in South Sudan. |
Darryl Stellmach, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series. |
Darryl Stellmach |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Exploring Spoken Word Data in Oral History Archives |
Oral Histories of Hidden Children in Denmark during the Holocaust |
Narratives, Identity and Trauma |
Sofie Lene Bak |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Exploring Spoken Word Data in Oral History Archives |
Forced alignment using FAVE and DARLA |
Powerful language technology tools and methods to support oral history research |
Josef Fruehwald |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Exploring Spoken Word Data in Oral History Archives |
Language Technologies: INTER-VIEWS |
A Search and Annotation Tool for Oral History |
Henk van den Heuvel |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Exploring Spoken Word Data in Oral History Archives |
Using forced alignment and HTML5 media syntax to share speech archive data |
Powerful language technology tools and methods to support oral history research |
John Coleman |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Exploring Spoken Word Data in Oral History Archives |
Language Technologies: ELAN |
A short introduction to the ELAN annotation and processing suite of tools |
Sebastian Drude |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Exploring Spoken Word Data in Oral History Archives |
Testimonies on Nazi Forced Labour and the Holocaust |
Building Digital Environments for Research and Education |
Cord Pagenstecher |
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Exploring Spoken Word Data in Oral History Archives |
Building an open sound archive |
The case of the Grammo-foni ( project |
Silvia Calamai |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Exploring Spoken Word Data in Oral History Archives |
Researching Holocaust survivors in Greece through the Visual History Archive |
Issues and debates in the research use of testimony |
Kateřina Králová |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Exploring Spoken Word Data in Oral History Archives |
CLARIN Data, Services and Tools |
What language technologies are available that might help process, analyse and explore oral history collections? |
Dieter van Uytvanck |
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Exploring Spoken Word Data in Oral History Archives |
Increasing the Impact of Oral History Data with Human Language Technologies |
How CLARIN is already helping researchers |
Arjan van Hessen |
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Exploring Spoken Word Data in Oral History Archives |
From Search to Exploration |
Barriers and opportunities in using oral history archives as data resources |
Jakub Mlynář |
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Exploring Spoken Word Data in Oral History Archives |
Oral History Collections |
How to exploit the multidisciplinary potential of Oral History narratives |
Stef Scagliola |
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Exploring Spoken Word Data in Oral History Archives |
Oral History as Research Data |
Interviews, collections, archives, data and history - a view from the UK Data Archive. |
Louise Corti |
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Politics and International Relations Podcasts |
'Poland: Internationalism, Nationalism and Challenges of the International Environment' |
President of the Stefan Batory Foundation Aleksander Smolar discusses nationalism and internationalism in contemporary Poland |
Aleksander Smolar, Stephen Whitefield |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
International Migration Institute |
Emigration and the distribution of income per natural: Evidence from Egypt |
Joachim Jarreau investigates whether the benefits of migration actually reach the poorest households |
Joachim Jarreau |
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Asian Studies Centre |
Living in a Time of Deception: a Historical Memoir of Singapore 1945-65 |
Dr Poh Soo Kai speaks at the Southeast Asia seminar on May 4th, 2016. |
Poh Soo Kai |
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Alumni Voices |
Leading lawyer, academic and Marshall scholar, Kathleen Sullivan (Wadham, 1976) |
Kathleen Sullivan praises the tutorial system and her Oxford education, explaining how it has contributed to her successful career in academia and the courtroom. |
Kathleen Sullivan |
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Alumni Voices |
Comedian and broadcaster, Ruby Wax (Kellogg, 2010) |
Comedian and broadcaster Ruby Wax shares her experiences of studying mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy and why she taken on a mission to save the world’s mental health. |
Ruby Wax |
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Translational Medicine |
Repairing DNA damage |
Dr Ross Chapman studies the molecular events triggered by DNA damage detection, and why defects in these events lead to immune deficiency and cancer in humans. |
Ross Chapman |
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Translational Medicine |
Tropical neonatology |
Dr Claudia Turner heads the clinical research program at the Cambodia Oxford Medical Research Unit (COMRU), in collaboration with the Angkor Hospital for Children. |
Claudia Turner |
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Translational Medicine |
Malaria in Kenya |
There is a great need for better treatments for malaria and for a preventative malaria vaccine. |
Philip Bejon |
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Translational Medicine |
Global health informatics |
Dr Chris Paton studies the use of open-source Electronic Health Records (EHR) software, online learning and mobile technology to improve healthcare delivery in low-resource settings. |
Chris Paton |
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Translational Medicine |
Microbiology in the tropics |
The Cambodia Oxford Medical Research Unit (COMRU) is based in Siem Reap, northern Cambodia, which remains one of the poorest countries in South East Asia with extremely limited health services. |
Paul Turner |
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Translational Medicine |
Dengue diagnosis and management |
With 390 million infections occuring each year, dengue is the most important mosquito-borne viral infection, and no vaccine is currently available. |
Bridget Wills |
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Asian Studies Centre |
The Gift of Education? Learning, migration and intergenerational relations among Karen refugees in Thailand and the United Kingdom |
Dr Pia Jolliffe speaks at the Southeast Asia Seminar |
Pia Jolliffe |
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Translational Medicine |
Microbiology research in SE Asia |
Dr Direk Limmathurotsakul's research focuses on the epidemiology of melioidosis, a bacterial infection caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei. |
Direk Limmathurotsakul |
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Translational and Clinical |
Targeting drug discovery |
The development of new medicines is dependent on the identification of novel drug targets. |
Kilian Huber |
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Malaria |
Malaria in Kenya |
There is a great need for better treatments for malaria and for a preventative malaria vaccine. |
Philip Bejon |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Global Health |
Microbiology research in SE Asia |
Dr Direk Limmathurotsakul's research focuses on the epidemiology of melioidosis, a bacterial infection caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei. |
Direk Limmathurotsakul |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Global Health |
Microbiology in the tropics |
The Cambodia Oxford Medical Research Unit (COMRU) is based in Siem Reap, northern Cambodia, which remains one of the poorest countries in South East Asia with extremely limited health services. |
Paul Turner |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |