Making Cultures Count: Following the Mayi Kuwayu National Study of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing |
Sarah Bourke (a DPhil student in Anthropology, Oxford) presented this UBVO seminar on 1 February 2019 |
Sarah Bourke |
How do we fix the food waste problem? |
Claire Kneller (Head of Food, Wrap Global) delivered this UBVO seminar on 21 February 2019. |
Claire Kneller |
Functions of fat. What are the determinants and what does it matter? |
Marijana Todercevic (Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolis), delivered this UBVO seminar on 28 February 2019 |
Marijana Todercevic |
Obesity, insecurity, inequality and social welfare |
A talk by Professor Stanley Ulijaszek |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
Obesity and socioeconomic status |
A talk by Professor Stanley Ulijaszek (march 2019) |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
From village chickens to maternal and child health |
A UBVO seminar presented by Robyn Alders (Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney) in July 2018. |
Robyn Alders |
Marion Nestle and Claude Fischler in conversation about commensality and the soda tax, Tokyo |
A conversation for UBVO between Professor Marion Nestle (NYU Steinhardt) and Professor Claude Fischler (CNRS, Paris), December 2018. |
Marion Nestle, Claude Fischler |
Sociality and aging |
Professor Stanley Ulijaszek (Oxford) gave this presentation at the Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Dublin, in 2018 |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
How could it be otherwise? The body as a resource for exploring the past |
A UBVO seminar given by Dr Caroline Potter of the Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, on 10 May 2018. |
Caroline Potter |
Ultra-processed Foods, Big Food and the Corporate Capture of Nutrition |
A UBVO seminar given by Gyprgy Scrinis of the University of Melbourne on 31 October 2018. |
Gyorgy Scrinis |
An interview with Professor Meg Warin on 'the Australian Senate Inquiry into Obesity' |
An interview for UBVO with Professor Meg Warin, University of Adelaide, 8 October 2018 |
Meg Warin |
A cognitive profile of obesity and its translation into new cognitive-behavioural health care interventions |
A UBVO seminar by Anita Jansen, Professor of Experimental Clinical Psychology at Maastricht University, given 13 June 2018 |
Anita Jansen |
An interview with Andrew Ross on 'The future of bread' |
An interview with Professor Andrew Ross (Food Science and Technology Department, Oregon State University) for the UBVO 'Instruments and Institutions' series. July 2018. |
Andrew Ross |
How war is shaping the Ukrainian HIV epidemic: A phylogeographic analysis |
An Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health seminar presented by Tetyana Vasylyeva (Department of Zoology, University of Oxford) on 24 October 2018 |
Tetyana Vasylyeva |
Why are men muscular? Reproductive, hormonal, and ecological hypotheses to explain variation in human male muscularity within populations of Bangladeshi and British men |
An Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health seminar presented by Kesson Magid (Department of Anthropology, University of Durham) on 7 November 2018 |
Kesson Magid |
Life history, parental investment and health of Agta foragers |
An Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health seminar presented by Abigail Page (Department of Anthropology, University College London) on 14 November 2018 |
Abigail Page |
Telomeres as integrative markers of exposure to stress and adversity: A systematic review and meta-analysis |
An Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health seminar presented by Dr Gillian Pepper (Centre for Behaviour and Evolution, University of Newcastle) on 28 November 2018 |
Gillian Pepper |
Militant masks: youth and insecurity in the Niger Delta |
David Pratten, the University of Oxford, presented the Anthropology Departmental Seminar on 9 November 2018 |
David Pratten |
Trials of the everyday: spaces of global health in South Africa |
Michelle Pentecosts, King's College London, presented the Anthropology Departmental Seminar on 2 November 2018 |
Michelle Pentecost |
Precolonial Microbiome: how microbiologists access anthropology museums to contribute to the debate on restitution |
Frederick Keck, Musée du quai Branly, presented this Anthropology Departmental Seminar on 26 October 2018 |
Frederick Keck |
'Don't Bury the Famine Dead': how humanitarian intervention killed the most vulnerable in Ajiep, South Sudan, in 1998 |
This Anthropology Departmental Seminar was given by Jok Madut Jok, SUNY Upstate Medical University, on 23 November 2018 |
Jok Madut Jok |
Social life of a license: caste and everyday struggles for work legitimacies in India |
This Anthropology Departmental Seminar was given by Bhawani Buswala, University of Oxford, on 30 November 2018. |
Bhawani Buswala |
How literary studies can help us understand eating disorders |
This UBVO seminar was given by Emily Troscianko (The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities) in May 2018 |
Emily Troscianko |
The matter of being: knowing bodies and 'mental' health |
This UBVO seminar was given by Grace Lucas (Centre for Maternal and Child Health, London University) in May 2018 |
Grace Lucas |
What remains? Dancing archaeology |
This UBVO seminar was given by Marie-Louise Crawley (Centre for Dance Research, Coventry University) in May 2018 |
Marie-Louise Crawley |
My fat body: an axis for research |
This UBVO seminar was given by independent artist Rebecca D. Harris on 17 May 2018 |
Rebecca D. Harris |
What is Rational About Obesity? |
This UBVO seminar was given by Professor Stanley Ulijaszek in May 2018 |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
Framing Obesity as a Problem |
This seminar was given by Professor Stanley Ulijaszek at the Center for Research on Human Nutrition in Paris in 2018 |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
Studying the origins of human material culture in young chilldren |
This Anthropology Departmental Seminar was delivered by Dr Eva Reindl (University of Oxford) on 2 February 2018 |
Eva Reindl |
The grey area: fascism between the general and the particular |
This Anthropology Departmental Seminar was delivered by Dr Paolo Heywood (University of Cambridge) on 25 May 2018 |
Paolo Heywood |
Why Are There Always Candomblés? Situated Knowledges of Miscegenation and Syncretism in Brazil |
This Anthropology Departmental Seminar was delivered by Professor Marcio Goldman (National Museum, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) on 11 May 2018 |
Marcio Goldman |
Rights and justice: reproductive politics and legal activism in India |
This Anthropology departmental Seminar was delivered by Professor Maya Unnithan (University of Sussex) on 26 January 2018 |
Maya Unnithan |
A petition to kill: efficacious appeals against big cats in India |
Nayanika Mathur (Oxford) delivered this Anthropology Departmental Seminar on 5 May 2018 |
Nayanika Mathur |
The seven moral rules found all around the world |
This Anthropology Departmental Seminar was delivered by Oliver Scott Curry (Oxford) on 18 May 2018 |
Oliver Scott Curry |
The Marett Memorial Lecture 2018. Individualism in the Wild: Oneness in Jivaroan Culture |
The Marett Memorial Lecture for 2018 (27 April) was given by Professor Anne-Christine Taylor (emeritus; Director of Research at the CNRS) on the Amazonian 'Individualism' of the Jivaroan people of Ecuador and Peru |
Anne-Christine Taylor |
The promise of the (foreign) image: post-post-internet art from the Philippines (and other notes from the field) |
An Anthropology Departmental Seminar delivered by Rafael Schacter (University College London) on 1 December 2017 |
Rafael Schacter |
The concept of culture in cultural evolution |
The Keynote speech by Tim Lewens (Professor of Philosophy of Science, Cambridge) for the Cultural Evolution Workshop held at the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, on 28 February 2017 |
Tim Lewens |
Sustaining one another: enset, animals, and people in the southern highlands of Ethiopia |
An Anthropology Departmental Seminar delivered by Elizabeth Ewart and Wolde Tadesse (School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, Oxford) on 13 October 2017 |
Elizabeth Ewart, Wolde Tadesse |
Existential mobility, migrant imaginaries and multiple selves |
An Anthropology Departmental Seminar by Michael Jackson (Emeritus Professor of World Religions at Harvard Divinity School), 20 October 2017 |
Michael Jackson |
Words and Deeds - the Astor Visiting Lecture 19 October 2017 |
Michael Jackson, Distinguished Visiting Professor of World Religions at Harvard Divinity School, delivered the Astor Visiting Lecture at Oxford on 19 October 2017. Introduced by Ramon Sarró (Oxford). |
Michael Jackson |
Ebola: A biosocial journey |
The inaugural Geoffrey Harrison Prize Lecture delivered in Oxford on 3 November 2017 by Melissa Parker, Professor of Medical Anthropology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine |
Melissa Parker |
Resisting moralisation in health promotion |
A seminar by Rebecca Brown (University of Oxford) |
Rebecca Brown |
Not your good fatty: how fat activists disrupt using Web 2.0 |
A seminar by Cat Pausé (Massey University, New Zealand) |
Cat Pausé |
Anorexia, care and comfort |
A presentation by Anna Lavis (Goldsmiths, London) for the UBVO Obesity, eating disorders and the media workshop in November 2017 |
Anna Lavis |
Bitter-sweet adaptation |
A seminar by Professor Stanley Ulijaszek (University of Oxford) |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
Macaques at the margins |
Professor Sarah Elton (Durham) discusses 'what we can learn about the evolution of human dietary diversity from studying other primates outside the tropics', a UBVO seminar 16 November 2017 |
Sarah Elton |
The discursive regulation of 'too fat' and 'too thin' bodies |
A presentation by Helen Malson (University of the West of England) for the UBVO Obesity, eating disorders and the media workshop in November 2017 |
Helen Malson |
Obesity in the US media, 1999-2010 |
A presentation by Natalie Boero (College of Social Sciences, San Jose, California) for the UBVO Obesity, eating disorders and the media workshop in November 2017 |
Natalie Boero |
Completing contemporary discourses of obesity |
A presentation by Helene Shugart (University of Utah) for the UBVO Obesity, eating disorders and the media workshop in November 2017 |
Helene Shugart |
Analytic approaches to media representations |
A presentation by David Zeitlyn (University of Oxford) for the UBVO Obesity, eating disorders and the media workshop in November 2017 |
David Zeitlyn |
Text mining techniques |
A presentation by John McNaught (Deputy Director of the National Centre for Text Mining) for the UBVO Obesity, eating disorders and the media workshop in November 2017 |
John McNaught |
Dangerous engagements? Exploring pro-anorexia websites and in the media |
A presentation by Anna Lavis (Goldsmiths, London) for the UBVO Obesity, eating disorders and the media workshop in November 2017 |
Anna Lavis |
Not social mobility but deprivation mobility: places change their characteristics and people change their places |
Paul Norman (University of Leeds) presented this UBVO seminar on 2 November 2017 |
Paul Norman |
Constructing the archetypal anorectic trends in media representations of eating disordered celebrities |
A presentation by Paula Saukko (Loughborough University) for the UBVO Obesity, eating disorders and the media workshop in November 2017 |
Paula Saukko |
Polyrational approaches to obesity |
In this talk, Professor Stanley Ulijaszek considers whether obesity is a polyrational problem |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
Physical activity and the built environment |
A presentation given by Professor Stanley Ulijaszek at the Fribourg Obesity Research Conference in Switzerland in 2017 |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
Models of Obesity - A Book Launch |
To mark its publication of Models of Obesity: From Ecology to Complexity in Science and Policy in September 2017, author Stanley Ulijaszek discusses the book's themes and purpose |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
Listening to the News Audience - What's Missing from Obesity News? |
A seminar by Catriona Bonfiglioli, a senior lecturer in Media Studies at the University of Sydney, Australia |
Catriona Bonfiglioli |
Childhood Obesity in Portugal |
Professor Stanley Ulijaszek interviews Professor Cristina Padez as part of the Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) 'Instruments and Institutions' interviews series |
Stanley Ulijaszek, Cristina Padez |
What is Nutritional Anthropology? |
A talk by Professor Stanley Ulijaszek |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
Obesity and Consumption |
A lecture presented by Professor Stanley Ulijaszek at the University of St Gallen, Switzerland. |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
Possible Futures - Robert Foley |
A talk by Robert Foley (University of Cambridge) for Possible Futures, an event held at the Oxford University Natural History Museum on 3 November 2016 that celebrated the relaunch of Biological Anthropology at the University of Oxford. |
Robert Foley |
Possible Futures - Rebecca Sear |
A talk by Rebecca Sear (Dept. of Population Health) for Possible Futures, an event held at the Oxford University Natural History Museum on 3 November 2016 that celebrated the relaunch of Biological Anthropology at the University of Oxford. |
Rebecca Sear |
Possible Futures - Peter Walsh |
A talk by Peter Walsh (University of Cambridge) for Possible Futures, an event held at the Oxford University Natural History Museum on 3 November 2016 that celebrated the relaunch of Biological Anthropology at the University of Oxford. |
Peter Walsh |
Possible Futures - Charlotte Roberts |
A talk by Charlotte Roberts (University of Durham) for Possible Futures, an event held at the Oxford University Natural History Museum on 3 November 2016 that celebrated the relaunch of Biological Anthropology at the University of Oxford. |
Charlotte Roberts |
Possible Futures |
Alexandra Alvergne and Nicholas Márquez-Grant introduce Possible Futures, an event held at the Oxford University Natural History Museum on 3 November 2016 that celebrated the relaunch of Biological Anthropology at the University of Oxford. |
Alexandra Alvergne, Nicholas Márquez-Grant |
Ebola Emergence is Predictable |
This talk was given by Dr Peter Walsh (University of Cambridge) at the Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine on 3 November 2016/ |
Peter Walsh |
Life between protocols: the pragmatics of care in a nutrition intervention in Khayelitisha, South Africa |
Michelle Pentecost (School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, Oxford) gave this talk on 18 May 2017 as part of the Unity for Biocultural Variation and Obesity seminar series |
Michelle Pentecost |
Food and eating |
A presentation given by Stanley Ulijaszek (Professor of Human Ecology at the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography) for the Unit of Biocultural Variation and Obesity |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
Energy balance models of obesity |
A presentation given by Stanley Ulijaszek (Professor of Human Ecology at the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography) for the Unit of Biocultural Variation and Obesity |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
Global transformation of diet |
A presentation given by Stanley Ulijaszek (Professor of Human Ecology at the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography) for the Unit of Biocultural Variation and Obesity |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
Obesity governance through measurement |
A presentation given by Stanley Ulijaszek (Professor of Human Ecology at the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography) for the Unit of Biocultural Variation and Obesity |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
Genetics of obesity |
A presentation given by Stanley Ulijaszek (Professor of Human Ecology at the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography) for the Unit of Biocultural Variation and Obesity |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
Limitations of obesity models |
A presentation given by Stanley Ulijaszek (Professor of Human Ecology at the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography) for the Unit of Biocultural Variation and Obesity |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
Obesogenic environments |
A presentation given by Stanley Ulijaszek (Professor of Human Ecology at the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography) for the Unit of Biocultural Variation and Obesity |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
Bariatric surgery's intersubjective embodiments |
Heather Howard gave this talk on 11 May 2017 as part of the Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity seminar series |
Heather Howard |
A War on People: The Drug War and the Hermeneutic Politics of Those who Resist it |
This Anthropology Departmental Seminar was given by Jarrett Zigon (University of Virginia) on 2 December 2016. |
Jarrett Zigon |
The Indian Village: Marx to Modi |
In this Anthropology Departmental Seminar, Ed Simpson (SOAS) discusses the issues raised by the re-study of an Indian village. 25 November 2016. |
Ed Simpson |
The Artist and the Stone: Ethnography of an Artistic Process |
This Anthropology Departmental Seminar was given by Roger Sansi-Roca (Goldsmiths, University of London) on 18 November 2016. |
Roger Sansi-Roca |
A Brilliant Jewel: Celibacy and its Malcontents in the Brazilian Catholic Church |
In this Departmental Seminar, Maya Mayblin (University of Edinburgh) discusses the relatively late and most challenged rule in the Brazilian Catholic Church - celibacy. 4 November 2016. |
Maya Mayblin |
Formalization as Development: Accounting for the Proliferation of Village Savings Associations |
In this Anthropology Departmental Seminar, Maia Green (University of Manchester) discusses village savings associations and small-scale credit in Sub-Saharan Africa. 28 October 2016. |
Maia Green |
‘I Can Feel the Mafia but I Can’t See it’: Investigatory Dilemma in Present-day Trapani |
The opening Evans-Pritchard Lecture for 2017 given by Dr Naor Ben-Yehoyada (Columbia University) on 1 May. The theme of the series was: 'Getting Cosa Nostra: Knowledge and Criminal Justice in Southwestern Sicily'. |
Naor Ben-Yehoyada |
Gifts, entitlements, benefits and surplus: interrogating food poverty and food aid in the UK |
The 2017 Mary Douglas Memorial Lecture was given in Oxford on 24 May by Prof. Pat Caplan of Goldsmiths, London. |
Pat Caplan |
The concept of culture in cultural evolution |
In his keynote speech for the Cultural Evolution Workshop (held in the Pitt Rivers Museum on 28 February 2017), Prof. Tim Lewens of Cambridge examines the concept of culture in cultural evolution. |
Tim Lewens |
Why do children doubt magic, but believe in the miraculous? |
Prof. Paul Harris (Harvard Graduate School of Education) examines why children are skeptical about magical phenomena but are willing to believe in supposedly miraculous violations of everyday causal constraints. 12 May 2017. |
Paul Harris |
Transformation through Ritual: Bodies as Sacred Space |
A seminar of the Anthropology Research Group at Oxford on Eastern Medicines and Religions. Dr Ann R. David (University of Roehampton) focuses on Tamil worshippers in the UK to discuss the role of ritual in religion and dance. 18 January 2017. |
Ann R. David |
Climate, weather, culture |
In this Departmental Seminar, Prof. Steve Rayner examines the blossoming of anthropological attention to climate change over the last ten years. 17 February 2017. |
Steve Rayner |
The great migration of summer 2015: trajectories, journeys and hubs |
In this Departmental Seminar, Dr Franck Düvell (COMPAS) focuses on the great migration of 2015 when it is estimated that 12 million people were newly displaced. 20 January 2017. |
Franck Düvell |
Exhibiting violence and social change in Brazil |
Prof. Elizabeth B. Silva (The Open University) discusses the role of staged events in remembering the establishment of dictatorship in Brazil in 1964. 19 May 2017. |
Elizabeth B. Silva |
Women in India’s waste economy |
In this Departmental Seminar, Prof. Barbara Harriss-Whiten draws on anthropology, economics and politics to examine the role of women in Indian society. 12 May 2017. |
Barbara Harriss-White |
The Gorongosa Restoration Project, Mozambique |
Greg Carr, the President of the Gorongosa Restoration Project in Mozambique, gives an overview of how the Gorongosa National Park has evolved since Mozambique's civil conflict ended in 1992. 5 May 2017. |
Greg Carr |
The obesity epidemic and how bodies come to be through the pedagogies of digital health |
Emma Rich gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on 16th February 2017. |
Emma Rich |
Inequality, Obesity and Oxford: how to reduce car dependence |
Danny Dorling gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on 2nd February 2017. |
Danny Dorling |
Social Mobility: Can family policy make a difference? |
Naomi Eisenstadt gives a talk for the UBVO seminar seires on 1st December 2016. Please note, there were technical difficulties during the recording of this episode so it will stop at 12:34. We apologise for this. |
Naomi Eisenstadt |
Epigenetics: Environment, embodiment and equality |
Rebecca Richmond gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on 13th October 2016. |
Rebecca Richmond |
Familial homeostasis and negotiations of children's eating and physical activity: An analysis of intergenerational conversations in low income US families |
Paulina Nowicka gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on November 17th 2016, |
Paulina Nowicka |
The influence of school on eating disorders in girls - evidence from Sweden and the UK |
Helen Bould gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on 27th October 2016. |
Helen Bould |
The Great Gatsby curve in 3D: Inequality of outcomes, inequality of opportunities, and social mobility across countries |
Gaston Yalonetzky gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on 10th November 2016. |
Gaston Yalonetzky |
Advancing a model of inequalities, stress, and obesity |
Emily Henderson, Durham University, gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series. |
Emily Henderson |
Exploring the city's 'sutures' |
Filip De Boeck (KU Leiden) explores 'urban life between want and wish', drawing on examples from the DRCongo (4 March 2016) |
Filip De Boeck |