Telescope Design and the Search for Life |
In the first part of their discussion, Michael Meyer and Suzanne Aigrain lay out the conditions for habitability on an exoplanet and challenges of looking for such planets. This discussion was conducted at Trinity College, Oxford, on February 12, 2016. |
Suzanne Aigrain, Michael Meyer |
Life in the Universe: Where and How Can We Find It? |
In the fourth part of their discussion, Mario Livio and Joe Silk talk about the way planetary systems form and the preconditions for life-bearing planets to exist. This discussion was conducted at Trinity College, Oxford, on February 12, 2016 |
Joe Silk, Mario Livio |
Testability, Physics, and the Multiverse |
In the third part of their discussion, Mario Livio and Joe Silk ask: could our theories exceed our ability to test them? Have they already? This discussion was conducted at Trinity College, Oxford, on February 12, 2016. |
Joe Silkl, Mario Livio |
Biosignatures and the Search for Life |
In the second part of their discussion, Joe Silk and Mario Livio go over biosignatures: things which, if observed, would be evidence for life. This discussion was conducted at Trinity College, Oxford, on February 12, 2016. |
Joe Silk, Mario Livio |
Life in the Universe: The Fermi Paradox |
In the first part of their discussion, Joe Silk and Mario Livio consider the chances of life elsewhere in the universe. They talk about the Fermi paradox and responses to it. This discussion was conducted at Trinity College, Oxford, on February 12, 2016. |
Joe Silk, Mario Livio |
Explaining Fine-Tuning |
Ard Louis in conversation with George Ellis. Part four - Explaining Fine-Tuning. |
George Ellis, Ard Louis |
Fine Tuning in Biology |
Ard Louis in conversation with George Ellis. Part three - Fine Tuning in Biology. |
George Ellis, Ard Louis |
Possibility Spaces |
Ard Louis in conversation with George Ellis. Part two - Possibility Spaces. |
George Ellis, Ard Louis |
Top Down Causation |
Ard Louis in conversation with George Ellis. Part one - Top Down Causation. |
George Ellis, Ard Louis |
The Unity of the Universe |
The Final Dennis Sciama Memorial Lecture delivered by Professor David Deutsch |
David Deutsch |
Engineering Defects in Diamond |
Physics Colloquium 26th February 2016 delivered by Professor Mark Newton |
Mark Newton |
Optical Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Single Molecules and Single Plasmonic Gold Nanoparticles |
Physics Colloquium 19th February 2016 delivered by Professor Michel Orrit |
Michel Orrit |
Fundamental constants and biology |
George Ellis of the University of Cape Town shows how we can use a space of possibilities to assess the fragility of life. This talk was part of the Consolidation of Fine-Tuning Project's first workshop, "Life in the Universe", on November 3, 2015. |
George Ellis |
Assessing Fine-Tuning in Physics: How Many? How Fine? How Come? |
Bernard Carr of Queen Mary University of London looks at sources of fine tuning in physics and their possible explanations. This talk was part of the Consolidation of Fine-Tuning Project's first workshop, "Life in the Universe", on November 3, 2015. |
Bernard Carr |
Stellarators, Fusion Energy and the Wendelstein 7-X Experiment |
Physics Colloquium 29th January 2016 delivered by Professor Per Helender |
Per Helender |
Epidemics, Erdös Numbers and the Internet: the Physics of Networks |
Physics Colloquium 12th February 2016 delivered by Professor Mark Newman |
Mark Newman |
DalitzFest |
The Scientific Legacy of Dick Dalitz |
Frank Close, Christopher Llewellyn-Smith |
Quantum Computer Simulation of Chemistry and Materials: Advances and Perspectives |
Physics Colloquium 5th February 2016 delivered by Professor Alán Aspuru-Guzik |
Alán Aspuru-Guzik |
How computers have changed the way we do physics - Breaking through the quantum barrier |
The power of available computers has now grown exponentially for many decades. The ability to discover numerically the implications of equations and models has opened our eyes to previously hidden aspects of physics. |
Thorsten Wahl |
How computers have changed the way we do physics - Structure in complex systems |
The power of available computers has now grown exponentially for many decades. The ability to discover numerically the implications of equations and models has opened our eyes to previously hidden aspects of physics. |
Mark Newman |
How computers have changed the way we do physics - Chaos and climate change |
The power of available computers has now grown exponentially for many decades. The ability to discover numerically the implications of equations and models has opened our eyes to previously hidden aspects of physics. |
Myles Allen |
Seeing the High Energy Universe with IceCube |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 3rd morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Inner Space Meets Outer Space: Covering the Connections Between Cosmology and Particle Physics |
Subir Sarkar |
Growing Black Holes over 12 Billion Years |
The 2015 Hintze Biannual Lecture delivered by Professor Meg Urry |
Meg Urry |
The Einstein Lens and a Tale of Two Eclipses |
Physics Colloquium 20th November 2015 delivered by Professor Tom Ray |
Tom Ray |
At a Physics Info/Sci Intersection |
Physics Colloquium 30th October 2015 delivered by Professer Paul Ginsparg |
Paul Ginsparg |
How hot will it get in a world run by economists? A physicist’s take on climate change policy |
Physics Colloquium 23rd October 2015 delivered by Professor Myles Allen |
Myles Allen |
Gravitational lensing: one of the sharpest tools in an astronomer's toolbox |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the eighth Saturday Morning of Theoretical Physics on 19 September 2015. Talk 3 by Professor James Binney. |
James Binney |
General Relativity: what is it & why Einstein conceived it thus |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the eighth Saturday Morning of Theoretical Physics on 19 September 2015. Talk 2 by Professor John Wheater. |
John Wheater |
Cosmology from General Relativity |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the eighth Saturday Morning of Theoretical Physics on 19 September 2015. Talk 3 by Pedro Ferreira. |
Pedro Ferreira |
Understanding the Monsoon |
The 2015 Halley Lecture delivered by Professor Peter J. Webster |
Peter J. Webster |
Parlez-vous Beams? The Frontier of Beam Physics and Accelerator Science: from High Energy Particle Colliders to Quantum Degenerate Beams |
Physics Colloquium 12th June 2015 delivered by Professer Swapan Chattopadhyay |
Swapan Chattopadhyay |
The Quantum Universe |
The 2015 Hintze Lecture delivered by Professor Hitoshi Murayama |
Hitoshi Murayama |
Chasing Fast Dynamos in the Plasma Lab |
Physics Colloquium 29th May 2015 delivered by Professor Cary Forest |
Cary Forest |
Climate Observations from Space |
Physics Colloquium 5th June 2015 delivered by Professor Stephen Briggs |
Stephen Briggs |
Cosmology from the Microwave Background |
Physics Colloquium 22nd May 2015 delivered by Professor Jo Dunkley |
Jo Dunkley |
Everything from nothing, or how our universe was made |
The 2015 Wetton Lecture delivered by Professor Carlos Frenk |
Carlos Frenk |
Making the Vacuum Concrete |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the first Saturday Morning of Theoretical Physics on 22 June 2013. The event focussed on how we use field theory to understand material reality. |
Fabian Essler |
Topological Boundary Modes from Quantum Electronics to Classical Mechanics |
The 2015 Cherwell-Simon Lecture delivered by Professor Charles Kane |
Charles Kane |
Basics of Anyons and Nonabelian Aharanov-Bohm Effect |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 7th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the idea of quantum computation and the strange behaviour of certain types of fundamental particle. |
John March-Russell |
Knots, World-lines, and Topological Quantum Computation |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 7th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the idea of quantum computation and the strange behaviour of certain types of fundamental particle. |
Steve Simon |
Quantum Computing |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 7th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the idea of quantum computation and the strange behaviour of certain types of fundamental particle. |
Andrew Steane |
Searches for Dark Matter |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 6th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the ways in which ideas from theoretical particle physics guide the high energy accelerator program at CERN. |
Ulrich Haisch |
Precision Studies of the Higgs |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 6th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the ways in which ideas from theoretical particle physics guide the high energy accelerator program at CERN |
Giulia Zanderighi |
The Standard Model and the LHC |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 6th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the ways in which ideas from theoretical particle physics guide the high energy accelerator program at CERN. |
Juan Rojo |
The impact of black holes on the Universe |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 5th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Black holes: where physics reaches its limit. |
James Binney |
Black holes in the nearby Universe |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 5th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Black holes: where physics reaches its limit. |
John Magorrian |
Black holes in Einstein's gravity and beyond |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 5th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Black holes: where physics reaches its limit. |
Andrei Starinets |
Plasma tamed, fusion power and the theoretical challenge |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Plasmas: the normal form of matter and the key to unlimited energy. |
Steven Cowley |
Turbulence: Plasma Unleashed |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Plasmas: the normal form of matter and the key to unlimited energy. |
Alexander Schekochihin |
Plasma: what it is, how to make it and how to hold it |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Plasmas: the normal form of matter and the key to unlimited energy. |
Felix Parra-Diaz |
String Theory on the Sky |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 3rd morning of Theoretical Physics covering the connections between cosmology and particle physics. |
David Marsh |
Darkness Visible: The Hunt For Dark Matter |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 3rd morning of Theoretical Physics covering the connections between cosmology and particle physics. |
Felix Kahlhoefer |
Inner space meets outer space: Introduction |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 3rd morning of Theoretical Physics covering the connections between cosmology and particle physics. |
Subir Sarkar |
Motility in Living Matter: from molecular motors to bacterial swarms |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 1st morning of Theoretical Physics covering how we use field theory to understand material reality. |
Julia Yeomans |
Living Matter: a theoretical physics perspective |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 2nd morning of Theoretical Physics covering ideas from theoretical physics currently being applied to living systems. |
Ramin Golestanian |
Matter Emerges from the Vacuum |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 1st morning of Theoretical Physics covering how we use field theory to understand material reality. |
Joseph Conlon |
The Vacuum Comes Alive |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 1st morning of Theoretical Physics covering how we use field theory to understand material reality. |
James Binney |
The Higgs Boson and Particle Physics at the LHC: a Progress Report and Plans for the Future |
Physics Colloquium 13th February 2015 Deliverd by Daniela Bortoletto |
Daniela Bortoletto |
Science with a crowd: The Zooniverse from Galaxy Zoo to LSST |
Physics Colloquium 30th January 2015 delivered by Chris Lintott |
Chris Lintott |
Colours from Earth: preparing for exo-earth characterisation |
Physics Colloquium 6th March 2015 deliverd by Robert Fosbury |
Robert Fosbury |
The Seven Wonders of Galaxy Zoo |
Becky Smethurst shows how citizen science and the Galaxy Zoo project is helping researchers tackle difficult scientific questions. |
Becky Smethurst |
Astronomy at the Highest Energies Possible |
Researcher Stephen Rayner talks on how astronomers study the highest energies possible to detect particle accelerators in space. |
Stephen Rayner |
Spectromania! |
James Gilbert, a researcher in astrophysics gives an exciting talk on how astronomy uses Spectroscopy - the study of the interaction between matter and radiated energy. |
James Gilbert |
How to see the world in a grain of sand |
Peter Hatfield gives an astronomy talk entitled: How to see the world in a grain of sand and the entire Universe in a super computer. |
Peter Hatfield |
The Beagle expedition to Mars |
The Beagle 2 probe had not been seen or heard from since December 2003 and had been presumed lost. Researcher Chris Linttot gives an overview and shows newly found images of the probe on the surface of Mars. |
Chris Lintott |
The Philae - Rosetta Mission (update) |
Researcher Colin Wilson gives an update on the Rosetta mission with the latest news on the Philae comet lander |
Colin Wilson |
LHC searches for dark matter |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 6th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the ways in which ideas from theoretical particle physics guide the high energy accelerator program at CERN |
Ulrich Haisch |
Precision Studies of the Higgs |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 6th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the ways in which ideas from theoretical particle physics guide the high energy accelerator program at CERN |
Giulia Zanderighi |
The Standard Model and the LHC! in the Higgs Boson Era |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 6th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the ways in which ideas from theoretical particle physics guide the high energy accelerator programme at CERN. |
Juan Rojo |
Matter Emerges from the Vacuum |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the first Saturday Morning of Theoretical Physics on 22 June 2013. The event focussed on how we use field theory to understand material reality. |
Joseph Conlon |
Plasma Tamed, Fusion Power and the Theoretical Challenge |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Plasmas: the normal form of matter and the key to unlimited energy. |
Steve Cowley |
String Theory on the Sky |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 3rd morning of Theoretical Physics. The event focused on the interface between theoretical developments in particle physics and astrophysics/cosmology. |
David Marsh |
From you to the largest structure in the Universe |
Robert Simpson, an astronomy researcher from Oxford takes us on a tour of the Universe, explaining the incredible distances and relative dimensions of space. |
Robert Simpson |
Gloomy Worlds: Why are planets cloudy? |
Jo Barstow explains the complex science behind the clouds that surround the planets. |
Jo Barstow |
The Philae - Rosetta Comet Mission |
On 12 November 2014, the Philae probe achieved the first-ever soft landing on a comet nucleus. Colin Wilson, a researcher from Oxford, gives an update on the landing and explains the history and science behind this incredible mission. |
Colin Wilson |
Black Holes, Axions and the Gravitational Atom in the Sky |
Physics Colloquium 5th December 2014 delivered by Dr Asimina Arvanitak |
Asimina Arvanitak |
The Vacuum Comes Alive |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 1st morning of Theoretical Physics covering how we use field theory to understand material reality |
James Binney |
Living Matter: a theoretical physics perspective |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 2nd morning of Theoretical Physics covering ideas from theoretical physics currently being applied to living systems |
Ramin Golestanian |
Motility in Living Matter |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 2nd morning of Theoretical Physics covering ideas from theoretical physics currently being applied to living systems |
Julia Yeomans |
Inner Space Meets Outer Space |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the connections between cosmology and particle physics. |
Subir Sarkar |
Darkness Visible: The Hunt For Dark Matter |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the connections between cosmology and particle physics. |
Felix Kahlhoefer |
Plasma: What It Is, How To Make It and How To Hold It |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Plasmas: the normal form of matter and the key to unlimited energy |
Felix Parra-Diaz |
Turbulence: Plasma Unleashed |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Plasmas: the normal form of matter and the key to unlimited energy |
Alexander Schekochihin |
Ice Cores, Climate and Sea Ice |
Physics Colloquium 14th November 2014 delivered by Prof Eric Wolff |
Eric Wolff |
Inside the Centre: The Life and Work of J. Robert Oppenheimer |
Physics Colloquium 21st November 2014 delivered by Prof Ray Monk |
Ray Monk |
Millisecond Pulsars, Magnetars, and Black Holes: The Wickedly Cool Stellar Undead |
The 9th Hintze Lecture delivered by Professor Scott Ransom |
Scott Ransom |
A Physicist’s View of the Emergence of Terrestrial Vertebrates |
Physics Colloquium 7th November 2014. Delivered by Professor Steve Balbus, Savilian Professor of Astronomy, Head of Astrophysics, University of Oxford. |
Steve Balbus |
Science and the Art of Inventiveness |
Physics Colloquium 24th October 2014. Delivered by Professor Andrei Seryi, Director of the John Adams Institute. |
Andrei Seryi |
Black holes in the nearby Universe |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 5th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Black holes: where physics reaches its limit. |
John Magorrian |
The impact of black holes on the Universe |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 5th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Black holes: where physics reaches its limit. |
James Binney |
Black holes in Einstein's gravity and beyond |
Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 5th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Black holes: where physics reaches its limit. |
Andrei Starinets |
21. Mean Field Theory and Closing Thoughts |
Last in a series of 21 lectures on solid state physics, delivered by Professor Steven H. Simon in early 2014. |
Steven H. Simon |
20. Collective Magnetism |
Lecture 20 in a series of 21 lectures on solid state physics, delivered by Professor Steven H. Simon in early 2014. |
Steven H. Simon |
19. Magnetic Properties of Atoms |
Lecture 19 in a series of 21 lectures on solid state physics, delivered by Professor Steven H. Simon in early 2014. |
Steven H. Simon |
18. Semiconductor Devices and Introduction to Magnetism |
Lecture 18 in a series of 21 lectures on solid state physics, delivered by Professor Steven H. Simon in early 2014. |
Steven H. Simon |
17. Dynamics of Electrons in Bands |
Lecture 17 in a series of 21 lectures on solid state physics, delivered by Professor Steven H. Simon in early 2014. |
Steven H. Simon |
16. Band Structure and Optical Properties of Solids |
Lecture 16 in a series of 21 lectures on solid state physics, delivered by Professor Steven H. Simon in early 2014. |
Steven H. Simon |
15. Nearly Free Electron Model |
Lecture 15 in a series of 21 lectures on solid state physics, delivered by Professor Steven H. Simon in early 2014. |
Steven H. Simon |
14. Waves in Reciprocal Space |
Lecture 14 in a series of 21 lectures on solid state physics, delivered by Professor Steven H. Simon in early 2014. |
Steven H. Simon |
13. Scattering Experiments III |
Lecture 13 in a series of 21 lectures on solid state physics, delivered by Professor Steven H. Simon in early 2014. |
Steven H. Simon |