General Philosophy |
2.4 John Locke |
Part 2.4. Introduction to the philosophy of John Locke, 'England's first Empiricist', he also gives a very simplistic definition of Empiricism; we obtain knowledge through experience of the world, through sensory data (what we see, hear, etc). |
Peter Millican |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
General Philosophy |
2.3 Robert Boyle and Isaac Newton |
Part 2.3. An introduction to Robert Boyle's theory of corpuscularianism and Isaac Newton's ideas on mathematics and the universe. |
Peter Millican |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
General Philosophy |
2.6 David Hume |
Part 2.6. Introduces 18th Century Scottish philosopher David Hume, 'The Great Infidel', including his life, works and a brief look at his philosophical thoughts. |
Peter Millican |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
General Philosophy |
2.2 Thomas Hobbes: The Monster of Malmesbury |
Part 2.2. A brief introduction to Thomas Hobbes, 'The Monster of Malmsbury', his views on a mechanistic universe, his strong ideas on determinism and his pessimistic view of human nature: 'The life of man is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short'. |
Peter Millican |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
General Philosophy |
2.5 Nicolas Malebranche and George Berkeley |
Part 2.5. Focuses on Malebranche, a lesser-known French Philosopher, and his ideas on idealism and the influence they had on English philosopher George Berkeley. |
Peter Millican |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
General Philosophy |
2.1 Recap of General Philosophy Lecture 1 |
Part 2.1. A brief recap on the first lecture describing how Aristotle's view of the universe, dominant throughout the middle ages in Europe, came to be gradually phased out by a modern, mechanistic view of the universe. |
Peter Millican |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Critical Reasoning for Beginners |
Evaluating Arguments Part One |
Part five of a six-part series on critical reasoning. In this lecture we will continue with the evaluation of arguments - this time deductive arguments - focusing in particular on the notion of validity. |
Marianne Talbot |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Kellogg College |
Taming the Casino Banks |
In this podcast the experts discuss whether the 'casino' banks that are considered too big to fail are simply too big, and explain the arguments for and against splitting them up. |
Jonathan Michie, Martin Slater, Linda Yueh |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
St Edmund Hall |
Taming the Casino Banks |
In this podcast the experts discuss whether the 'casino' banks that are considered too big to fail are simply too big, and explain the arguments for and against splitting them up. |
Jonathan Michie, Martin Slater, Linda Yueh |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
The Credit Crunch and Global Recession |
Taming the Casino Banks |
In this podcast the experts discuss whether the 'casino' banks that are considered too big to fail are simply too big, and explain the arguments for and against splitting them up. |
Jonathan Michie, Martin Slater, Linda Yueh |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
The Beazley Archive - Classical Art Research Centre |
Treasures of Oxford - Athenian Wine Drinking Cup |
Sir John Boardman talks about a wine drinking cup made in Ancient Athens; he also talks about what we can learn from it about Ancient Greek culture and the kind of lifestyle the Greeks had. |
John Boardman |
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Global Economic Governance Programme |
The UN's role in Overcoming Development Challenges |
Special Lecture given by former Prime Minister of New Zealand and now Administrator of the United Nations Development Program the Rt Hon. Helen Clark. She is introduced by Director of the Global Economic Governance Program, Professor Ngaire Woods. |
Helen Clark, Ngaire Woods |
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The Beazley Archive - Classical Art Research Centre |
Research in Classical Archaeology |
Discussion between Sir John Boardman and Donna Kurtz on the subject of being classical archaeology researchers and academics and some of the challenges and opportunities they face. |
John Boardman, Donna Kurtz |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
The Beazley Archive - Classical Art Research Centre |
Introduction to Art of the Ancient World |
Donna Kurtz and Sir John Boardman talk about Sir John's life, his career and experiences as a classical scholar and also the relationship works of art from different cultures around the ancient world have with one another. |
John Boardman, Donna Kurtz |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Critical Reasoning for Beginners |
What is a Good Argument? Validity and Truth |
Part four of a six-part series on critical reasoning. In this lecture we will learn how to evaluate arguments and how to tell whether an argument is good or bad, focusing specifically on inductive arguments. |
Marianne Talbot |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Anthropology |
Nutritional Anthropology Lecture 2: Nutritional Quality and Child Growth |
Professor Stanley Ulijaszek (Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford) discusses nutritional factors that impact on the growth of children across the globe. |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Critical Reasoning for Beginners |
Setting out Arguments Logic Book Style |
Part three of a six-part series on critical reasoning. In this lecture we will focus on how to identify and analyse arguments, and how to set arguments out logic book-style to make them easier to evaluate. |
Marianne Talbot |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
023 Spin 1/2 , Stern - Gerlach Experiment and Spin 1 |
Twenty third lecture in Professor James Binney's Quantum Mechanics Lecture series given in Hilary Term 2010. |
James Binney |
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Quantum Mechanics |
026 Hydrogen part 2 Emission Spectra |
Twenty sixth lecture in Professor James Binney's Quantum Mechanics Lecture series given in Hilary Term 2010. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
022 Spin Angular Momentum |
Twenty second lecture in Professor James Binney's Quantum Mechanics Lecture series given in Hilary Term 2010. |
James Binney |
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Quantum Mechanics |
025 Hydrogen part 1 |
Twenty fifth lecture in Professor James Binney's Quantum Mechanics Lecture series given in Hilary Term 2010. |
James Binney |
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Quantum Mechanics |
024 Classical Spin and Addition of Angular Momenta |
Twenty fourth lecture in Professor James Binney's Quantum Mechanics Lecture series given in Hilary Term 2010. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
027 Hydrogen part 3 Eigenfunctions |
Twenty seventh lecture in Professor James Binney's Quantum Mechanics Lecture series given in Hilary Term 2010. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Research Integrity |
An international perspective on promoting the responsible conduct of research |
Paul Taylor gives a talk as part of the Research Integrity Seminar Series held at the John Radcliffe hospital. |
Paul Taylor |
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Indian Traces in Oxford |
Cornelia Sorabji: Jowett's protégée in Oxford 1889-1893 |
Professor Richard Sorabji (Wolfson College, Oxford) - Cornelia Sorabji: Jowett's protígíe in Oxford 1889-1893. |
Richard Sorabji |
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Indian Traces in Oxford |
Repainting Ajanta: the global impact of the Frescoes and their copies |
Dr Rupert Arrowsmith (UCL) - 'Repainting Ajanta: the global impact of the Frescoes and their copies.'. |
Rupert Arrowsmith |
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Indian Traces in Oxford |
Tracing Indian students at Oxford before the Second World War |
Dr Sumita Mukherjee (Oxford) - 'Tracing Indian Students at Oxford before the Second World War'. |
Sumita Mukherjee |
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Indian Traces in Oxford |
Indian imperial crossings and the Oxford hub |
Professor Elleke Boehmer (Oxford) - 'Indian imperial crossings and the Oxford hub'. |
Elleke Boehmer |
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Indian Traces in Oxford |
Michael Madhusudan Datta (1824-1873): a young Bengali poet's exam script washes up on Albion's distant shore |
Dr Alex Riddiford - "Michael Madhusudan Datta (1824-1873): a young Bengali poet's exam script washes up on Albion's distant shore." This reading was delivered by Anshuman Mondal. |
Alex Riddiford, Anshuman Mondal |
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Indian Traces in Oxford |
Musings of Sir Mohammad Iqbal on the Place of Muslims in late Colonial India: Letters to Edward John Thompson, 1933-1934 |
Professor Humayun Ansari (RHUL) - 'Musings of Sir Mohammad Iqbal on the Place of Muslims in late Colonial India: Letters to Edward John Thompson, 1933-1934'. |
Humayun Ansari |
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Indian Traces in Oxford |
Introduction and Reading |
Opening of exhibition by Amitav Ghosh and a reading from his In an Antique Land. Introduced by Anshuman Mondal (Brunel). |
Amitav Ghosh, Anshuman Mondal |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
The Reconstruction of American Journalism |
A lecture delivered by Michael Schudson, author of the 2009 report of the same title, on the state of American journalism, The report proposes new steps to support quality public affairs reporting. |
Michael Schudson, Nicholas Lemann, David Levy, Paul Starr, John Lloyd |
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What is Tragedy? |
What does Tragedy do for People? |
A discussion of what the use of tragedy is, and whether the emotional experience of tragic theatre is simply a passing thrill or a vital part of life. |
Oliver Taplin, Joshua Billings |
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What is Tragedy? |
Defining Tragedy |
First dialogue between Oliver Taplin and Joshua Billings on tragedy: they discuss what 'tragedy' means, from its origins in Greek culture to philosophical notions of what tragedy and tragic drama are. |
Oliver Taplin, Joshua Billings |
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What is Tragedy? |
Is Tragedy still Alive? |
Discussion on whether tragedy still exists in modern culture, whether in films, modern theatre or and other creative arts. |
Oliver Taplin, Joshua Billings |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
What is Tragedy? |
Does Tragedy Teach? |
Third dialogue on the nature of tragedy where they talk about whether tragic theatre teaches people, and if it does, how and what does it teach? |
Oliver Taplin, Joshua Billings |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Complexity and Systemic Risk: Hilary Term Seminar Series 2010 |
Predicting the Behaviour of Techno-Social Systems: How Informatics and Computing Help to Fight Off Global Pandemics |
We live in an increasingly interconnected world of 'techno-social' systems, where infrastructures composed of different technological layers are interoperating within the social component that drives their use and development. |
Alessandro Vespignani |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
General Philosophy |
1.1 An Introduction to General Philosophy |
Part 1.1. Outlines the General Philosophy course, the various topics that will be discussed, and also, more importantly, the philosophical method that this course introduces to students. |
Peter Millican |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
General Philosophy |
General Philosophy Lecture 1 |
PDF slides from Peter Millican's General Philosophy lecture 1. |
Peter Millican |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
General Philosophy |
1.4 From Galileo to Descartes |
Part 1.4. Outlines Galileo's revolutionary theories of astronomy and mechanical science and introduces Descartes' (the father of modern philosophy) ideas of philosophical scepticism. |
Peter Millican |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
General Philosophy |
1.3 Science from Aristotle to Galileo |
Part 1.3. Describes briefly the Aristotelian view of the universe; the basis for natural science in Europe until the 15th century and its conflict Galileo's theories. |
Peter Millican |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
General Philosophy |
1.2 The Background of Early Modern Philosophy |
Part 1.2. Gives a very brief history of philosophy from the 'birth of philosophy' in Ancient Greece through the rise of Christianity in Europe in the Middle Ages through to the Renaissance, the Reformation and the birth of the Modern Period. |
Peter Millican |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Complexity and Systemic Risk: Hilary Term Seminar Series 2010 |
Ocean Circulation and Climate: Observing and Modelling the Global Ocean |
The oceans are a critical component of the climate system, storing roughly 1000 times as much heat, and 50 times as much carbon, as the atmosphere. |
David Marshall |
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Anthropology |
Nutritional Anthropology Lecture 1: What is the natural human diet? |
Professor Stanley Ulijaszek of the School of Anthropology gives a talk on the 'natural' human diet, and asks whether we, people living in an industrialised society, should be trying to follow the natural diet. Recorded 22nd January 2010. |
Stanley Ulijaszek |
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Complexity and Systemic Risk: Hilary Term Seminar Series 2010 |
Anticipating Future Complexity: Are Systems Such as Cities Getting More Complex? |
Cities are getting more complex as their residents acquire more and more ways in which they can interact with one another. |
Mike Batty |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
019 Diatomic Molecules and Orbital Angular Momentum |
Nineteenth lecture in Professor James Binney's Quantum Mechanics Lecture series given in Hilary Term 2010. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
021 Even further Orbital Angular Momentum - Eigenfunctions, Parity and Kinetic Energy |
Twenty-first lecture in Professor James Binney's Quantum Mechanics Lecture series given in Hilary Term 2010. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
020 Further Orbital Angular Momentum, Spectra of L2 and LZ |
Twentieth lecture in Professor James Binney's Quantum Mechanics Lecture series given in Hilary Term 2010. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Complexity and Systemic Risk: Hilary Term Seminar Series 2010 |
Growth, Innovation, and the Pace of Life from Cells and Ecosystems to Cities and Corporations; Are They Sustainable? |
Growth, Innovation, and the Pace of Life from Cells and Ecosystems to Cities and Corporations; Are They Sustainable? |
Geoffrey West |
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Quantum Mechanics |
018 Angular Momentum |
Eighteenth lecture in Professor James Binney's Quantum Mechanics Lecture series given in Hilary Term 2010. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
017 Einstein-Podolski-Rosen Experiment and Bell's Inequality |
Seventeenth lecture in Professor James Binney's Quantum Mechanics Lecture series given in Hilary Term 2010. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
016 Composite Systems - Entanglement and Operators |
Sixteenth lecture in Professor James Binney's Quantum Mechanics Lecture series given in Hilary Term 2010. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Critical Reasoning for Beginners |
Different Types of Arguments |
The second of six lectures dealing with critical reasoning. In this lecture you will learn about the different types of arguments, in particular deductive and inductive arguments. |
Marianne Talbot |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Critical Reasoning for Beginners |
The Nature of Arguments |
The first of six lectures dealing with critical reasoning. In this lecture you will learn how to recognise arguments and what the nature of an argument is. |
Marianne Talbot |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Kellogg College |
Bank bonuses, breakups and regulation |
In the first podcast of 2010, the experts discuss bank bonuses, proposed break-ups and tighter regulation of the banking and financial sectors. |
Linda Yueh, Jonathan Michie, Martin Slater |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
The Credit Crunch and Global Recession |
Bank bonuses, breakups and regulation |
In the first podcast of 2010, the experts discuss bank bonuses, proposed break-ups and tighter regulation of the banking and financial sectors. |
Linda Yueh, Jonathan Michie, Martin Slater |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
St Edmund Hall |
Bank bonuses, breakups and regulation |
In the first podcast of 2010, the experts discuss bank bonuses, proposed break-ups and tighter regulation of the banking and financial sectors. |
Linda Yueh, Jonathan Michie, Martin Slater |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Alumni Weekend |
Galaxy Zoo - The Rise and Rise of Citizen Science |
Chris Lintott from the Department of Astrophysics gives a talk on the increasing significant contributions members of the public are making to scientific research through websites such as Galaxy Zoo. |
Chris Lintott |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
First World War Poetry Digital Archive |
Alisa Miller: 'Selling Patriotism: Rupert Brooke in the First World War' |
Alisa Miller takes a look at the 'Rupert Brooke cult', examining why this particular poet was so popular during the First World War, both with the general public and the soldier, at home and abroad. |
Alisa Miller |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
015 Tunnelling and Radioactive Decay |
Fifteenth lecture in the Quantum Mechanics course given in Hilary term 2010. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
014 A Pair of Square Wells and the Ammonia Maser |
Fourteenth Lecture in the Quantum Mechanics Course given in Hilary term 2010. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
013 Hilary: The Square Well |
Thirteenth lecture in Professor James Binney's Quantum Mechanics Lecture series given in Hilary Term 2010. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Complexity and Systemic Risk: Hilary Term Seminar Series 2010 |
Stability and Complexity in Model Banking Systems |
The recent banking crises have made it clear that increasingly complex strategies for managing risk in individual banks and investment funds (pension funds, etc) has not been matched by corresponding attention to overall systemic risks. |
Robert May |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Environmental Change Institute |
Copenhagen COP 15: What happened and What next? |
An ECI organised panel discussion following the Copenhagen international climate negotiations in December 2009 to review what happened at the negotiations and what happens next. |
Diana Liverman, Yadvinder Malhi, Mark Lynas, James Painter |
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1909: The People's Budget |
Paying for Social Protection |
Jose Harris gives a talk on social protection, that is, social welfare and as Lloyd George saw it, the creation of development policies which would increase employment and give wider social protection to people. |
Jose Harris |
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1909: The People's Budget |
Lloyd George and his Special Advisers and the Unionist Reaction to the Budget |
Iain McLean gives a talk in which he talks about Lloyd George's strategy to get the People's Budget through Parliament and past his main adversaries; his advisers and his parliamentary colleagues. |
Iain McLean |
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1909: The People's Budget |
The Public Finances of 1909 and the Key Proposals of the 1909 Budget |
Ian Packer gives a presentation on the state of public finances in Britain in 1909 and what the key proposals of the 1909 budget were. |
Ian Packer |
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1909: The People's Budget |
The Irish Dimension of the 1909 Budget |
Alvin Jackson talks about the relationship between Ireland and Britain at the time of the 1909 budget. Looking at the home rule question and other potential reforms. |
Alvin Jackson |
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1909: The People's Budget |
Institute of Fiscal Studies - Current Issues in the Taxation of Land and Income: Part Two |
Paul Johnson from the Institute of Fiscal Studies talks about current issues within land tax as part of the 1909 People's Budget Symposium. |
Paul Johnson |
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1909: The People's Budget |
The Free Trade Versus Protectionism Debate |
Frank Trentmann talks about the relationship between free trade and the budget and how the conflict between the ideas of free trade and protectionism shaped the 1909 budget. |
Frank Trentmann |
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1909: The People's Budget |
Institute of Fiscal Studies - Current Issues in the Taxation of Land and Income: Part One |
Stuart Adam from the Institute of Fiscal Studies gives a talk for the 1909 People's Budget Symposium in which he talks about the current conflicts in land and income tax. |
Stuart Adam |
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1909: The People's Budget |
Introduction to the 1909 People's Budget |
Lord Morgan of Aberdyfi introduces the symposium on Lloyd George's People's Budget, a series of lectures looking at the historic People's Budget of 1909. |
Kenneth O. Morgan |
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Censorship in Literature in South Africa |
Censorship in South Africa: Introduction |
Peter McDonald talks briefly about what first interested him in Censorship of Literature in South Africa. |
Peter McDonald |
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Censorship in Literature in South Africa |
Peter McDonald on Censorship in South Africa |
Peter McDonald talks with Oliver Lewis about censorship, its philosophical basis and general history within Apartheid South Africa. |
Peter McDonald, Oliver Lewis |
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US China Relations: An Introduction |
American-Sino Relations: Cooperation |
First part of the three part series on US - China relations, Rosemary Foot talks about the need for cooperation, especially within the current financial recession, global warming and nuclear non-proliferation. |
Rosemary Foot |
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US China Relations: An Introduction |
American-Sino Relations: Competition |
Second part of the three part series. This episode looks at four areas where the two most powerful nations can be in competition or in conflict; exceptionalism, contrasting political systems,power perceptions and shifts in the power relationships. |
Rosemary Foot |
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US China Relations: An Introduction |
American-Sino Relations: Review |
In the third and final part of this series, Rosemary Foot reviews and critiques the four factors outlined in the previous episode which could hinder good relations between the two nations. |
Rosemary Foot |
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Global Economic Governance: Globalisation and the Financial Crisis |
Credit Crunch Global recession why/when/what? |
Ngaire Woods, Jeni Wharton and Christina Ward discuss why institutions are pushing toward greater financial regulations in order to prevent another global recession. |
Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward, Jeni Whalen |
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Global Economic Governance: Globalisation and the Financial Crisis |
History of Key Institutions IMF/World Bank/G8/G20 - What Why When? |
Ngaire Woods, Jeni Whalen and Christina Ward discuss some of the key institutions and groups who are responding to the financial crisis. |
Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward, Jeni Whalen |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Global Economic Governance: Globalisation and the Financial Crisis |
Globalisation and the Financial Crisis - Summary |
Final part of the podcast series, summarising what was discussed in the series, including what globalisation is, what caused the current financial crisis, what it means for developing countries and what can governments do to ensure it doesn't happen again |
Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward, Jeni Whalen |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Global Economic Governance: Globalisation and the Financial Crisis |
What does the Financial Crisis mean for Developing Countries? |
Where does the credit crunch leave developing countries? In this podcast, Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward and Jeni Wharton discuss the impact of the current financial crisis on the developing world and the G20's responsibility towards developing countries. |
Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward, Jeni Whalen |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Global Economic Governance: Globalisation and the Financial Crisis |
Globalisation and the effect on economies |
Second part of the Globalisation and the financial crisis series. Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward and Jeni Whalen discuss what Globalisation is and how governments around the world have adapted to it. |
Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward, Jeni Whalen |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Global Economic Governance: Globalisation and the Financial Crisis |
Introduction to globalisation and the current financial crisis |
Ngaire Woods introduces the podcast series on globalisation and is place in the current financial crisis - outlining some of the questions they will be discussing. |
Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward, Jeni Whalen |
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Global Economic Governance: Globalisation and the Financial Crisis |
Global Governance and Regulation - why? |
In this podcast, Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward and Jeni Whalen discuss the causes of the current recession and asks why governments, financial regulators and banks failed to act responsibly and how we can act now to prevent the next financial crisis. |
Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward, Jeni Whalen |
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Oxford Martin School: Public Lectures and Seminars |
A Panel Discussion with George Soros |
Lessons from Financial Crises: Paradigm Failure and the Future of Financial Regulation. |
Paul Beaudry, Ian Goldin, Roger Goodman, Anatole Kaletsky, David Soskice, George Soros |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
012 Angular Momentum and Motion in a Magnetic Field |
Final lecture of the Quantum Mechanics course given in Michaelmas Term 2009. |
James Binney |
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Quantum Mechanics |
011 Transformation of Operators and the Parity Operator |
Eleventh lecture of the Quantum Mechanics course given in Michaelmas Term 2009. |
James Binney |
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Quantum Mechanics |
003 Operators and Measurement |
Third lecture of the Quantum Mechanics course given in Michaelmas Term 2009. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
006 Wavefunctions for Well Defined Momentum, the Uncertainty Principle and Dynamics of a Free Particle |
Sixth lecture of the Quantum Mechanics course given in Michaelmas Term 2009. |
James Binney |
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Quantum Mechanics |
008 The Harmonic Oscillator and the Wavefunctions of its Stationary States |
Eighth lecture of the Quantum Mechanics course given in Michaelmas Term 2009. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
002 Dirac Notation and the Energy Representation |
Second lecture of the Quantum Mechanics course given in Michaelmas Term 2009. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
009 Dynamics of Oscillators and the Anharmonic Oscillator |
Ninth lecture of the Quantum Mechanics course given in Michaelmas Term 2009. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
005 Further TDSE and the Position Representation |
Fifth lecture of the Quantum Mechanics course given in Michaelmas Term 2009. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
001 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Probability Amplitudes and Quantum States |
First lecture of the Quantum Mechanics course given in Michaelmas Term 2009. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
010 Transformation of Kets, Continuous and Discrete Transformations and the Rotation Operator |
Tenth lecture of the Quantum Mechanics course given in Michaelmas Term 2009. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
004 Commutators and Time Evolution (the Time Dependent Schrodinger Equation) |
Fourth lecture of the Quantum Mechanics course given in Michaelmas Term 2009. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Quantum Mechanics |
007 Back to Two-Slit Interference, Generalization to Three Dimensions and the Virial Theorem |
Seventh Lecture of the Quantum Mechanics course given in Michaelmas Term 2009. |
James Binney |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Research Integrity |
Questionable research practices and how to respond to them |
Seminar looking at questionable research practices, particularly within medical research and why we as scientists, we need to pay more attention to questionable research practices. |
Nick Steneck |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Research Integrity |
Who Cares About Research Integrity? |
Seminar looking at the importance of integrity within medical research. Part of the Research Integrity Seminar Series organised by Research Services, in collaboration with the Oxford Biomedical Research Centre. |
Mark Sheehan |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Alumni Weekend |
China, US, global imbalances and the 2008 financial crisis |
Dr Yueh presents on China's position in the global economy, the indirect role played by China in the global financial crisis, and the implications of the crisis going forward. |
Linda Yueh |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |