Psychiatry |
Psychological medicine |
Interview with Professor Sharpe about psychological medicine and his randomised controlled trial investigating the treatment of depression in people with cancer. |
Michael Sharpe |
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Psychiatry |
Anxiety disorders |
An overview of the aetiology, clinical diagnosis and management of anxiety disorders. |
Charlotte Allan, Daniel Maughan |
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Oscar Wilde |
1. The Art of Biography and the Biography of Art |
First lecture in the Oscar Wilde series in which Sos Eltis talks about Wilde's life and his work, De Profundis. |
Sos Eltis |
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Alumni Weekend |
A Successful Strategy for Building Normal Brains - Nature or Nurture? |
Dr Simon Butt (Keble), Fellow and Tutor in Neuroscience, gives a talk for the Oxford Alumni Weekend. |
Simon Butt |
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Department for Continuing Education Open Day 2013 |
Philosophy in 45 minutes! |
Philosophy deals with the BIG questions of life: does God exist? How should we live? What is truth? What are numbers and do we need them? Does space come to an end or is it infinite? NO SOUND FOR FIRST 3 MINUTES. |
Marianne Talbot |
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Department for Continuing Education Open Day 2013 |
What's so great about Austen? Isn't she just bonnets and balls? |
Some film and tv adaptations of Jane Austen's novels might give the impression that the stories are little more than Mills and Boon-type romances in empire-line frocks. |
Sandie Byrne |
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Department for Continuing Education Open Day 2013 |
Gustav Klimt and secessionist Vienna |
Vienna around 1900 witnessed a vital and anxious surge in art, design, literature and music. This creativity also inspired psychological investigations into the inner self and dreams, most famously by Sigmund Freud. |
Claire O'Mahony |
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Department for Continuing Education Open Day 2013 |
Britain's economic problems and prospects |
At the time of the 2008 global credit crunch, I participated in Oxford's online debate on whether the economic crisis sounded the death knell for laissez faire capitalism. |
Jonathan Michie |
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Department for Continuing Education Open Day 2013 |
Where's all the wildlife? Flooding and the importance of landscape conservation |
The Oxfordshire floods of 2007, 2008 and 2012 caused enormous disruption to homes, agriculture and local businesses, but what were the consequences for wildlife? |
Kerry Lock |
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Department for Continuing Education Open Day 2013 |
Surprises - for you and for mathematics |
In 1900, pure mathematics had the smug air of a finished product. We thought we knew what it was and we thought we knew how it was done. |
Bob Lockhart |
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Alumni Weekend |
Divided Nations: Why global governance is failing, and what we can do about it |
In this lecture, Professor Goldin presents ideas from his latest book and focuses on issues such as the financial crisis, the internet, pandemics, migration and climate change, in order to highlight the need for urgent global action. |
Ian Goldin |
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Alumni Weekend |
Darwin's Fish: Evolutionary controversies in the fossil record |
See how modern analyses of the fossil record, genetics and development provide a new understanding of flatfish evolution, and how this bears on both the great flatfish controversy and the rate and nature of evolutionary change more broadly. |
Matt Friedman |
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Department for Continuing Education Open Day 2013 |
Too many words? An irreverent guide to screenwriting |
Aristotle's 'Poetics' is regarded as the earliest surviving work of dramatic theory. How much notice do Goldman, Godard, Bertolucci or indeed Tarantino pay to his classic tenets of drama? |
Victor Glynn |
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Department for Continuing Education Open Day 2013 |
Who needs migrant workers? Controversies in international labour migration |
The regulation of labour immigration is among the most important and controversial public policy issues in high-income countries. |
Martin Ruhs |
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Department for Continuing Education Open Day 2013 |
A history of England in five and a half maps |
There is a story behind every map. Generation after generation, we have imprinted ourselves on the land we live upon. Our depictions of that land, in maps, have recorded social attitudes and social change like no other source. |
Jonathan Healey |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 UNHCR in Uganda: better than its reputation suggests |
Mistrust and fear abound among Rwandan refugees in Uganda. The dearth of information available about cessation urgently needs to be addressed by UNHCR. |
Will Jones |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Freedom of movement of Afghan refugees in Iran |
Although legally justifiable, increasing restrictions on movement and work for refugees in Iran have detrimental effects for the refugees. |
Farshid Farzin, Safinaz Jadali |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Post-deportation monitoring: why, how and by whom? |
The monitoring of refused asylum seekers post-deportation is critical to effective protection. |
Leana Podeszfa, Friederike Vetter |
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Department for Continuing Education Open Day 2013 |
Spotlight on Archaeology |
Find out about how archaeologists uncover the past using a range of techniques, including excavation, survey and scientific analysis. |
Alison MacDonald |
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Department for Continuing Education Open Day 2013 |
The art of war: The Hundred Years' War in twenty objects |
This lecture will examine one of the longest wars in history, fought between England and France from 1337 to 1453 by scrutinising twenty objects. |
Janina Ramirez |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Insights from the refugee response in Cameroon |
The integration of Central African refugees into existing Cameroonian communities has had far-reaching development impacts on the region and the state as a whole. |
Angela Butel |
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Alumni Weekend |
Exploring the Universe |
Dr Rana Irshad, University of Oxford, gives a brief whistle-stop tour of the exciting initiatives Oxford has running in exploring the vast expanse of the Universe in which we live. |
Rana Irshad |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Shortcomings in assistance for deported Afghan youth |
Programmes to assist deported Afghan youth to reintegrate on their return are failing miserably. There needs to be much greater awareness of what it is like for them when they return, and of good practice in implementing such programmes. |
Nassim Majidi |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Questions over alternatives to detention programmes |
Alternative to detention programmes may be less restrictive and less expensive than formal detention but they may still have drawbacks. The provision of competent legal advice appears to be key to low rates of absconding. |
Stephanie J Silverman |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Assisted voluntary return schemes |
While AVR is clearly preferable to deportation, NGOs and academics alike have criticised these schemes for being misleadingly labelled and lacking genuine voluntariness. |
Anne Koch |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 State reluctance to use alternatives to detention |
States continue to show a marked reluctance to implement alternatives to immigration detention. The reason for this may well be because such alternatives ignore the disciplinary function of detention by which states coerce people into cooperation. |
Clément de Senarclens |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Deportation of South Sudanese from Israel |
Israel's aggressive campaign of arrest and deportation of South Sudanese asylum seekers contravenes the principle of non-refoulement and international standards for voluntary, dignified return. |
Laurie Lijnders |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 No longer a child: from the UK to Afghanistan |
Young Afghans forced to return to Kabul having spent formative years in the UK encounter particular risks and lack any tailored support on their return. |
Catherine Gladwell |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 New models for alternatives to detention in the US |
While there is growing recognition of the value of community-based alternatives to detention in the US, shortfalls in funding and political will are hindering implementation of improved services and best practice. |
Megan Bremer, Kimberly Haynes, Nicholas Kang, Michael D Lynch, Kerri Socha |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Women: the invisible detainees |
Research by the Women's Refugee Commission into immigration detention of women in the US explores why and how differences in treatment between men and women in detention matter. |
Michelle Brané, Lee Wang |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Thinking outside the fence |
The way in which we think about detention can shape our ability to consider the alternatives. What is needed is a shift in thinking away from place-based control and towards risk assessment, management and targeted enforcement. |
Robyn Sampson |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Alternatives to detention: open family units in Belgium |
Preliminary outcomes of an alternative to detention programme in Belgium, based on case management and individual 'coaches' for families, are positive and merit consideration by other countries. |
Liesbeth Schockaert |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Do higher standards of detention promote well-being? |
Sweden is generally considered to have high standards of immigrant detention. Irrespective of the high standards life in detention still poses a huge threat to the health and wellbeing of detained irregular migrants. |
Soorej Jose Puthoopparambil, Beth Maina-Ahlberg, Magdalena Bjerneld |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Predisposed to cooperate |
Recent research in Toronto and Geneva indicates that asylum seekers and refugees are predisposed to be cooperative with the refugee status determination (RSD) system and other immigration procedures. |
Cathryn Costello, Esra Kaytaz |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Detention in Kenya: risks for refugees and asylum seekers |
Refugees and asylum seekers detained in Kenya risk multiple convictions and protracted detention due to poor coordination between immigration officials, police and prison officers. |
Lucy Kiama, Dennis Likule |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Community detention in Australia: a more humane way forward |
A group of Australian advocates lobbied successfully for the implementation of community detention as a viable, humane alternative, giving asylum seekers an opportunity to engage in a more meaningful existence. |
Catherine Marshall, Suma Pillai, Louise Stack |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Alternatives to detention in the UK: from enforcement to engagement? |
The UK detains migrants on a large scale, and has had limited success in developing alternatives. The British experience highlights the need for a cultural shift towards engagement with migrants in place of reliance on enforcement. |
Jerome Phelps |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 A last resort in cases of wrongful detention and deportation in Africa |
Where this is no viable forum to address human rights violations by African states, the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights will consider such violations. |
Matthew C Kane, Susan F Kane |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Flawed assessment process leads to under-use of alternatives in Sweden |
Sweden is often held up as following 'best practice' in legislation with regard to detention and alternatives to detention but research by the Swedish Red Cross highlights a number of flaws. |
Maite Zamacona |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Immigration detention: looking at the alternatives |
Endangering the health and well-being of people by detaining them is unnecessary; governments can instead use community-based alternatives that are more dignified for migrants and more cost-effective for states. |
Philip Amaral |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Closed detention in the Czech Republic: on what grounds? |
Despite relatively good conditions in the Czech Republic's closed detention facilities, serious questions should be asked about the justification for detention. |
Beata Szakacsova |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Detention of women: principles of equality and non-discrimination |
International principles of equality and non-discrimination must be applied to the UK's immigration detention system, which at present fails to meet even the minimum standards which apply in prisons. |
Ali McGinley |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Threats to liberty in Germany |
Those seeking asylum in Germany face fast-track assessments, risk of immediate detention and deportation, and lengthy stays in 'communal shelters' scattered throughout Germany. |
Jolie Chai |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 New European standards |
On 29 June 2013 the amended 'Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down standards for the reception of applicants for international protection (recast)' became law. |
Dersim Yabasun |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Security rhetoric and detention in South Africa |
The South Africa example is instructive in demonstrating both the limits and the dangers of the increasing reliance on detention as a migration management tool. |
Roni Amit |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Be careful what you wish for |
Can the promotion of liberal norms have an unintended and damaging impact on how states confront the challenges of irregular immigration? |
Michael Flynn |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 A return to the Pacific Solution |
Over the last 50 years, Australian governments have introduced a range of measures that seek to deter asylum seekers. Current practice sees asylum seekers once again detained in offshore detention in neighbouring countries. |
Fiona McKay |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 My story: indefinite detention in the UK |
When I fled civil war to come to the UK, I thought that I would be free but instead of helping me, the UK detained me for three years. |
William |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Detention monitoring newly established in Japan |
Recently established monitoring committees in Japan are opening new channels of communication and opportunities for improvements in detention facilities. |
Naoko Hashimoto |
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Alumni Weekend |
The Arrogance of Power: Senator Fulbright's Concept and Today's World |
Sir Adam Roberts, Emeritus Professor of International Relations at Oxford, gives a talk for the Oxford Alumni Weekend 2013. |
Sir Adam Roberts |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Captured childhood |
States should develop alternatives to immigration detention to ensure that children are free to live in a community-based setting throughout the resolution of their immigration status. |
David Corlett |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 No change: foreigner internment centres in Spain |
Draft regulations for the running of Spain's Foreigner Internment Centres fall far short of the hopes and demands of those campaigning for better guarantees of the rights of detainees. |
Cristina Manzanedo |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 The impact of immigration detention on children |
States often detain children without adequate attention to international law and in conditions that can be inhumane and damaging. Asylum-seeking and refugee children must have their rights protected. |
Alice Farmer |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Health at risk in immigration detention facilities |
Since 2004 Médecins Sans Frontières has provided medical and psychosocial support for asylum seekers and migrants held in different immigration detention facilities across Europe. |
Ioanna Kotsioni, Aurelie Ponthieu, Stella Egidi |
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Translational Medicine |
Active and passive immunity to Influenza |
Professor Townsend tells us about lessons to be drawn from the history of immunology in Oxford, from 1979 onwards, until his current research on active and passive immunity to influenza. |
Alain Townsend |
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Alumni Weekend |
The Oxford English Dictionary: From Victorian venture to the digital age endeavour |
Fiona McPherson, Senior Editor, Oxford English Dictionary, explores the OED's journey through the last century, from paper to screen, and how the digital age ensures that the OED remains as relevant as ever. |
Fiona McPherson |
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St Anne's College |
Where will Tomorrow's Food Come From - and What will be the Consequences? |
The St Anne's Gaudy Seminar explores the topic of food security, focusing in particular on sustainability, supply and demand, and aid and trade. How will science, ecology and consumers have an impact on how food is produced and distributed? |
Tim Benton, Mary Atkinson |
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Alumni Weekend |
Where will Tomorrow's Food Come From - and What will be the Consequences? |
The St Anne's Gaudy Seminar explores the topic of food security, focusing in particular on sustainability, supply and demand, and aid and trade. How will science, ecology and consumers have an impact on how food is produced and distributed? |
Tim Benton, Mary Atkinson |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Psychological harm and the case for alternatives |
Studies in countries around the world have consistently found high levels of psychiatric symptoms among imprisoned asylum seekers, both adults and children. |
Janet Cleveland |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Establishing arbitrariness |
There is no understanding of what the term "arbitrary" entails; understanding it requires awareness of the different factors affecting how individual deprivations of liberty are examined and understood. |
Stephen Phillips |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 From the editors |
From the editors. |
The editors |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Voices from inside Australia's detention centres |
At the heart of the asylum debate in Australia there is little sense of the individual in question. People who had previously been asylum seekers in immigration detention express in their own words the impact that detention had on them. |
Melissa Phillips |
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Detention and deportation (Forced Migration Review 44) |
FMR 44 Detention under scrutiny |
UNHCR's new detention guidelines challenge governments to rethink their detention policies and to consider alternatives to detention in every case. |
Alice Edwards |
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Technology and Management for Development |
Innovation Under the Radar in Low Income Countries: Evidence from Ghana. |
Giacomo Zanello, Oxford University. Special Panel Session: Innovation in Low Income Countries. Part of the 6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. |
Giacomo Zanello |
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Technology and Management for Development |
Policy Dynamics and Institutional Dysfunctions in Public Agricultural Research and Innovation. |
George Owusu Essegbey, Science and Technology Policy Research Institute, Ghana. Special Panel Session: Innovation in Low Income Countries. Part of the 6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. |
George Owusu Essegbey |
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Technology and Management for Development |
Yves Doz. The Transformation from Imitation to Innovation in Emerging Economies |
Yves Doz, INSEAD, addresses the 6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. |
Yves Doz |
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Technology and Management for Development |
Anne Miroux. Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Inclusive and Sustainable Development. |
Anne Miroux, UNCTAD, addresses the 6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. |
Anne Miroux |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
Moral Maze, Arijit Sen |
Arijit Sen, CNN-IBN gives his opinion on the debates premise 'Journalism coarsens, simplifies and distorts politics (and the new journalism won't be any better)'. As part of the 30th Anniversary Reunion of the Journalism Fellow Programme. |
Arijit Sen, Jean Seaton, Michael Parks, Paul Taylor, Nick Fraser, John Lloyd |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
Plenary panel debate: The Future of Journalism |
Panel debate at the 30th Anniversary Reunion of the Journalism Fellow Programme. |
Mark Thompson, Natalie Nougayrède, Peter Barron, John Stackhouse, Nic Newman |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
The Future of Journalism - Natalie Nougayrède (Le Monde) |
Natalie Nougayrède, Executive Editor of Le Monde talks at the 30th Anniversary Reunion of the Journalism Fellow Programme. |
Natalie Nougayrède |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
The Future of Journalism - Nic Newman (RISJ Research Associate) |
Nic Newman, Digital Media Strategist and RISJ Research Associate, talks at the 30th Anniversary Reunion of the Journalism Fellow Programme. |
Nic Newman |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
The Future of Journalism - Peter Barron (Google) |
Peter Barron, Peter Barron, Director of Communications and Public Affairs for EMEA, Google, talks at the 30th Anniversary Reunion of the Journalism Fellow Programme. |
Peter Barron |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
The Future of Journalism - John Stackhouse (Editor-in-chief, Globe and Mail, Toronto). |
John Stackhouse, Editor-in-Chief of The Globe and Mail, Toronto, talking at the 30th Anniversary Reunion of the Journalism Fellow Programme. |
John Stackhouse |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
Paying the Piper: Rethinking the Economics of Newspaper Journalism |
Reuters Memorial Lecture 2013 - by Mark Thompson, President and Chief Executive of the New York Times Company. |
Mark Thompson, David Levy, John Lloyd |
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History of the Eighteenth Century in Ten Poems |
The life of epigrams |
This podcasts introduces the popular eighteenth century epigram. |
Dianne Mitchell |
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History of the Eighteenth Century in Ten Poems |
The Ladle: a comic poem |
Matthew Prior's The Ladle was one of the most popular poems of the eighteenth century. This podcast explores its appeal. |
Louise Curran |
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History of the Eighteenth Century in Ten Poems |
Politics in poetry |
This podcast explores the culture of Jacobitism in the eighteenth century, using a popular ballad. |
John McTague |
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History of the Eighteenth Century in Ten Poems |
The poetry of war |
Explores the aesthetics and impact of war poetry in the early eighteenth century, focussing on Joseph Addison's poem, The Campaign. |
Abigail Williams |
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History of the Eighteenth Century in Ten Poems |
Pastoral Poetry |
Introduces the poetry of rural life, and its debt to classical sources. |
Kathleen Lawton-Trask |
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History of the Eighteenth Century in Ten Poems |
Smallpox in poetry |
Smallpox was rife in the eighteenth century, leaving its mark both on its sufferers, and on the literature of the period. This podcast explores its history in verse. |
Elizabeth Atkinson |
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History of the Eighteenth Century in Ten Poems |
Petticoats and fashion |
An introduction to the world of fashion and the politics of the petticoat, seen through the poetry of the time. |
Elizabeth Atkinson |
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History of the Eighteenth Century in Ten Poems |
Music in miscellanies |
Much popular music of the eighteenth century is found in poetic miscellanies. But how was it performed? |
Giles Lewin |
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Department of Sociology Podcasts |
Andy Field on teaching quantitative methods to social science students |
Andy Field (University of Sussex) discusses his experiences and views of what works well when teaching quantitative methods to undergraduate social science students, especially with mixed ability and low motivation students. |
Andy Field |
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Mansfield College |
Sir Jonathan Mills - Art: The Great Conversation of Mankind |
The first in the Mansfield College lecture series for Hilary Term 2013, given in temporary Chapel at Mansfield College by Sir Jonathan Mills, artistic director of the Edinburgh International Festival. |
Sir Jonathan Mills |
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Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) |
Rethinking Migration: Joining the dots between migration, trade theory and business strategy |
Diane Coyle discusses labour migration movements across borders through firm's decision problems and strategic thinking. |
Diane Coyle |
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Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) |
What are the consequences of changing policies for family migrants in the UK? |
Caroline Oliver and Juan Camilo give a talk for the COMPAS Breakfast Briefing series. |
Caroline Oliver, Juan Camilo |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) |
Building Regionality into Immigration Policy: Does it Work? Evidence from Canada |
Professor Robert E Wright gives a talk for the Centre for Migration, Policy and Society. |
Robert E Wright |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) |
What does the 2011 census tell us about ethnic diversity and integration in England and Wales? |
Ludi Simpson and Stephen Jivraj give a talk for the COMPAS Breakfast Briefing series. |
Ludi Simpson, Stephen Jivraj |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Challenging the Canon |
Information about Great Writers Inspire |
Further information about the educational resource: |
Sarah Wilkin |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Department of Sociology Podcasts |
The Endtimes of Human Rights |
Are we coming to an end of the human rights as a social science issue? Talk by Dr Stephen Hopgood (SOAS). |
Stephen Hopgood |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Department of Sociology Podcasts |
Anti-politics in action: Do European protesters hate formal politics more than the general public? |
Dr Clare Saunders (University of Exeter) presents her multi-staged surveys on European protests. |
Clare Saunders |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
What Obama's Elections Have Taught the Media - and the Rest of Us: RISJ/BBC Butler Lecture 2013 |
Larry J. Sabato, American political scientist and political analyst and Robert Kent Gooch Professor of Politics at the University of Virginia, and director of its Center for Politics, gives the 2013 RISJ/BBC Butler lecture. |
Larry J Sabato |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Department of Sociology Podcasts |
Manfred te Grotenhuis on teaching quantitative methods to social science students |
Manfred te Grotenhuis (Radboud University Nijmegen) discusses his experiences and views of what works well when teaching quantitative methods to undergraduate social science students, especially with mixed ability and low motivation students. |
Manfred te Grotenhuis |
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Power Structuralism in Ancient Ontologies |
Freedom and Responsibility Revisited |
Professor Richard Sorabji, Wolfson College Oxford, gives a talk on freedom and responsibility as part of the series 'Talks on Powers, Structures and Relations in Ancient Philosophy'. |
Richard Sorabji |
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Power Structuralism in Ancient Ontologies |
The Persistence of Animate Organisms |
Rory Madden, Lecturer in Philosophy at University College London, gives a talk about animate organisms for the Power Structuralism in Ancient Ontologies Project. |
Rory Madden |
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Power Structuralism in Ancient Ontologies |
Causes, Powers and Structures in a Factored Process Ontology: Solutions and Lacunae |
Peter Simons, Professor of Philosophy, Trinity College, Dublin, gives a talk as part of the series 'Metaphysics of Powers, Causation and Persons'. |
Peter Simons |
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Power Structuralism in Ancient Ontologies |
Powers, Functions and Parts: the Stoics (and Others) on the Nature of the Passions |
Professor Jim Hankinson, University of Texas at Austin, gives a talk for the Power Structuralism in Ancient Ontologies project. |
Jim Hankinson |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Power Structuralism in Ancient Ontologies |
There are Mechanisms, and Then There are Mechanisms |
Mechanisms are at centre-stage right now in philosophy of science, especially in discussions of causal explanation and causal inference. |
Nancy Cartwright |
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Power Structuralism in Ancient Ontologies |
Aristotelian v. Contemporary Perspectives on Relations |
Jeff Brower, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Purdue University, gives a talk explaining the key differences between Aristotelian and more contemporary theories of relations. |
Jeffrey E Brower |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |
Power Structuralism in Ancient Ontologies |
Structure and Quality |
A talk from Galen Strawson, Professor of Philosophy, University of Texas. |
Galen Strawson |
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; |