Transport Studies Unit Podcasts |
EU's Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans: Whose Politics? Part Two |
Anne Shaw, Birmingham City Council, gives a talk for the Transport Studies Unit Hilary Term Seminar Series. |
Anne Shaw |
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Transport Studies Unit Podcasts |
Politics of Infrastructure: Spineless Development? part two |
Tim Schwanen, Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford gives a talk for the Transport Studies Unit Hilary Term Seminar Series. |
Tim Schwanen |
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Transport Studies Unit Podcasts |
EU's Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans: Whose Politics? Part One |
Mark Major, The Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, European Commission, gives a talk for the Transport Studies Unit Hilary Term Seminar Series |
Mark Major |
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Transport Studies Unit Podcasts |
Delivering Low Carbon Transport across the UK's Devolved Administrations part two |
Stuart Hay, Vice Chair of Transform Scotland and Scottish Director of Living Streets gives a talk for the Transport Studies Unit Hilary Term Seminar Series. |
Stuart Hay |
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Building Peace 2010 to 2019 |
OxPeace 2015: Closing Remarks |
Dr Liz Carmichael closes the 2015 OxPeace Conference. |
Liz Carmichael |
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Building Peace 2010 to 2019 |
OxPeace 2015: Key concerns in peace and security: building more peaceful and inclusive societies |
Sunil Suri gives a talk for Session C of the 2015 OxPeace conference; Peace and the proposed UN Sustainable Development Goals. |
Sunil Suri |
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Building Peace 2010 to 2019 |
OxPeace 2015: Themes in the relationship between development and peace |
Jonathan Granoff gives a talk for Session C of the 2015 OxPeace conference; Peace and the proposed UN Sustainable Development Goals. |
Jonathan Granoff |
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Building Peace 2010 to 2019 |
Oxpeace 2015: ISIL and Islamic responses to extremism |
Imam Monwar Hussain give a talk for Session B of the 2015 OxPeace conference; Religion in peace and conflict: extreme war-making, didcated peacebuilding. |
Monawar Hussain |
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Building Peace 2010 to 2019 |
Oxpeace 2015: Of Mandates and Majors: Exploring The United Nations' Role in Disarmament Demobilisation and Reinsertion, the Case of Timor Leste |
Dr Kate Roll gives a talk for Session A of the 2015 OxPeace conference; New directions in the study of peacebuilding. |
Kate Roll |
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Building Peace 2010 to 2019 |
Oxpeace 2015: 'A Force for Peace': The UN Secretary-General and the Cold War, 1946-1953 |
Ellen Jenny Ravndal gives a talk for Session A of the 2015 OxPeace conference; New directions in the study of peacebuilding. |
Ellen Jenny Ravndal |
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Building Peace 2010 to 2019 |
OxPeace 2015: UN Protection of Civilians, with special emphasis on South Sudan |
Hilde Johnson gives a talk at OxPeace 2015 Conference, held at St John's College on 10th May 2015. |
Hilde Johnson |
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Building Peace 2010 to 2019 |
Oxpeace 2015: Partnering to Make Peace: The Effectiveness of UN-African Joint Mediation Efforts in Civil Wars in Africa |
Allard Duursma gives a talk for Session A of the 2015 OxPeace conference; New directions in the study of peacebuilding. |
Allard Duursma |
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Building Peace 2010 to 2019 |
OxPeace 2015: Opening Plenary Peace and the UN at 70 |
Edward Mortimer CMG gives the opening talk for the OxPeace 2015 conference, held at St John's College on 10th May 2015. |
Edward Mortimer |
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Building Peace 2010 to 2019 |
Oxpeace 2015: UN Peacebuilding and the pursuit of multi-Ethnicity in Kosovo |
Dana Landau gives a talk for Session A of the 2015 OxPeace conference; New directions in the study of peacebuilding. |
Dana Landau |
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Building Peace 2010 to 2019 |
OxPeace 2015 Keynote: Peace and the UN at 70 |
Mark Maloch-Brown gives the keynote address at the 2015 OxPeace conference. |
Mark Maloch-Brown |
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Building Peace 2010 to 2019 |
Oxpeace 2015 Introduction |
Dr Liz Carmichael opens the 2015 OxPeace Conference, held in St John's College on 10th May 2015. |
Liz Carmichael |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
Cross-border journalism – a new method of collaborative reporting |
A Reuters podcast given by Brigitte Alfter, journalist, lecturer and author of handbook on cross-border journalism. |
Brigette Alfter |
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Chemistry for the Future: Clean Energy |
Chemistry is Central to our Energy Future |
Phil Grunewald, Deputy Director of Energy Research at the University of Oxford, explains how chemistry helps to solve global energy challenges. |
Phil Grunewald |
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Chemistry for the Future: Clean Energy |
Nanoparticle Catalysis: Size Matters |
Hanif Mahadi, Researcher in Edman Tsang’s group, explains how nanoparticle catalysts help us use fossil fuels more efficiently and develop cleaner alternative sources of energy. |
Hanif Mahadi |
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Chemistry for the Future: Clean Energy |
Using Catalysts to Make Exhaust Fumes Greener |
How can we reduce the pollution from car exhausts? |
Elizabeth Raine |
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Chemistry for the Future: Clean Energy |
Unlocking the Power of Hydrogen |
Kylie Vincent and Philip Ash discuss how bacteria harness the energy stored within hydrogen molecules, and how this could help build a more sustainable energy future. |
Kylie Vincent, Philip Ash |
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Chemistry for the Future: Clean Energy |
The Energy Challenge: Research at Oxford |
Providing secure, affordable and sustainable forms of energy is one of our biggest challenges this century. Hear how the cutting-edge fundamental research we undertake addresses real world problems and helps us to move towards a more sustainable future. |
Phil Grunewald |
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Department of Education Public Seminars |
Questioning the UK government’s vision of higher education and social mobility |
A public seminar from the Department of Education, given by Dr Susan James Relly, Assistant Director of SKOPE. |
Susan James Relly |
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Climate change and disasters (Forced Migration Review 49) |
FMR 49, FGM - The medicalisation of female genital mutilation |
The ‘medicalisation’ of female genital mutilation should be denounced on two counts.Firstly, it is usually anatomically more damaging and, secondly, it goes against the ethical basis of the medical profession. |
Pierre Foldes, Frédérique Martz |
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Climate change and disasters (Forced Migration Review 49) |
FMR 49, FGM - Editors’ Introduction |
An introductory note from the Editors of a special mini-feature on 'FGM and Asylum in Europe' in FMR 49. |
Marion Couldrey, Maurice Herson |
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Climate change and disasters (Forced Migration Review 49) |
FMR 49, FGM - The Istanbul Convention: new treaty, new tool |
The new Istanbul Convention provides a powerful tool for more effectively guaranteeing the protection of asylum seekers at risk of gender-based persecution and at risk of FGM in particular. |
Elise Petitpas, Johanna Nelles |
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Climate change and disasters (Forced Migration Review 49) |
FMR 49, FGM - Female genital mutilation: a case for asylum in Europe |
With some 71% of female EU asylum applicants from FGM-practising countries estimated to be survivors of this harmful traditional practice, it is time to accept that this subject demands greater scrutiny and a more dedicated response. |
Fadela Novak-Irons |
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Climate change and disasters (Forced Migration Review 49) |
FMR 49, FGM - FGM: challenges for asylum applicants and officials |
Asylum authorities in the European Union need to establish better procedures to help address the specific vulnerabilities and protection needs of women and girls who have undergone or are at risk of female genital mutilation. |
Christine Flamand |
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Climate change and disasters (Forced Migration Review 49) |
FMR 49, FGM - Changing attitudes in Finland towards FGM |
Former refugee women are now working as professional educators among immigrant and refugee communities in Finland to tackle ignorance of the impact and extent of female genital mutilation/cutting. |
Saido Mohamed, Solomie Teshome |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Faith and the secular: tensions in realising humanitarian principles |
There is good reason to engage faith-based organisations and local faith communities in humanitarian response but doing so raises challenging issues for the interpretation of humanitarian principles in what some see as a post-secular age. |
Alastair Ager |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Religious leaders unite to disarm hearts and minds |
In the Central African Republic, where religion has been used as a tool to divide and manipulate the population, religious leaders have come together to promote tolerance and forgiveness as a basis for rebuilding peaceful cohabitation. |
Monsignor Dieudonné Nzapalainga, Imam Omar Kobine Layama, Pastor Nicolas Guerekoyame Gbangou |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - The role of religion in the formation of cross-community relationships |
Spiritual life is a priority in many conflict-affected communities. It is rarely prioritised by aid agencies, yet may be central to the formation and maintaining of strong and effective cross-community relationships. |
Sadia Kidwai, Lucy V Moore, Atallah FitzGibbon |
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International Migration Institute |
What archaeological data tell us about the movement of populations in the last millenia |
What archaeological data tell us about the movement of populations in the last millenia: presented by Nicolas Zorzin |
Nicolas Zorzin |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Faith motivation and effectiveness: a Catholic experience |
CAFOD’s ability to partner with other FBOs and communities brings significant advantages for its work with displaced people. However, modern-day humanitarianism does not always sit comfortably alongside some of the practices of the major religions. |
Robert Cruickshank, Cat Cowley |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Local faith actors and protection in complex and insecure environments |
Faith leaders, faith-based organisations and local faith communities play a major role in the protection of people affected by conflict, disaster and displacement. Humanitarians, however, have only recently begun to fully appreciate their protection work. |
James Thomson |
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International Migration Institute |
Trinity seminar series 2015: Remaining 'attached strangers': Encounters, relationships and the future of African migrants in China |
Remaining 'attached strangers': Encounters, relationships and the future of African migrants in China, presented by Linessa Dan Lin |
Linessa Dan Lin |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - From the Editors |
An introductory note on FMR 48, 'Faith and Responses to Displacement', from the Editors. |
Marion Couldrey, Maurice Herson |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - The dignity of the human person |
Catholic Social Teaching’s emphasis on the dignity of the human person is a lens that Catholic institutions use to evaluate how we as a global society enhance or threaten the dignity of the human person, especially the most vulnerable of people. |
Nathalie Lummert |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - The value of accompaniment |
Friendship and compassionate companionship with the most vulnerable provide a powerful type of humanitarian service giving priority to personal accompaniment. |
Joe Hampson, Thomas M Crea, Rocío Calvo, Francisco Álvarez |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - The contribution of FBOs working with the displaced |
Faith-based organisations take from their religious traditions both strong motivations & access to a long history of thinking concerning social and political issues. This can make them ideally placed to fill the gaps in the implementation of human rights |
David Holdcroft |
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International Migration Institute |
Applying a gender lens to migration and development: insights from research in Southern Africa |
Applying a gender lens to migration and development: insights from research in Southern Africa: presented by Belinda Dodson |
Belinda Dodson |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Journeys of a secular organisation in south Lebanon |
A secular NGO’s experiences in south Lebanon demonstrate that it is possible for non-faith-based organisations to develop productive relationships with faith-based actors without compromising their secular identities. |
Jason Squire, Kristen Hope |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - How local faith communities can aid asylum seekers |
Local faith communities are able to offer assistance to asylum seekers in ways that faith-based organisations, constrained by eligibility criteria, are not. |
Kelly Barneche, ‘Joe’ |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Guided by humanitarian principles |
Caritas Luxembourg’s work with refugees, IDPs and migrants in Colombia, Lebanon and Luxembourg offers some examples of the ways in which a faith-based organisation may be advantaged or disadvantaged by its faith basis. |
Andreas Vogt, Sophie Colsell |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Religious space, humanitarian space |
he Protestant church in Morocco is struggling with tensions as it navigates between being a church organisation and being – in its work with refugees and migrants – something more like a non-governmental organisation. |
May Ngo |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
How to make serious magazine journalism pay |
Bronwen Maddox (editor, Prospect magazine) delivers a talk for the Reuters Institute Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series. |
Bronwen Maddox |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Reflections from the field |
Working with religious leaders is an essential element of serving local communities, as is an understanding of the religious life of local communities and how belief influences their decision making. |
Simon Russell |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - The clash and clout of faith: refugee aid in Ghana and Kenya |
A case-study from Ghana assesses the importance of a faith-based response to displacement in West Africa, while an example from Kenya highlights problems that can arise in collaborations between secular and faith-based organisations. |
Elizabeth Wirtz, Jonas Ecke |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - A Luxembourg government perspective on faith in partnership |
While flexible in partnering with agencies best placed to assist affected populations, Luxembourg requires its partners to adhere to humanitarian principles. |
Max Lamesch |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Church Asylum |
Church asylum, or sanctuary, is a practice to support, counsel and give shelter to refugees who are threatened with deportation to inhumane living conditions, torture or even death. This practice can be located at the interface of benevolence and politics |
Birgit Neufert |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - The asylum seeker: a faith perspective |
An organisation based on faith will listen and try to understand when unjust laws, traditions, cultures or ideologies cause refugees to flee. |
Flor Maria Rigoni |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - An inter-religious humanitarian response in the Central African Republic |
Inter-religious action has played a key role in ensuring that social cohesion and inter-religious mediation remain on the int'l agenda in relation to response in the Central African Republic, where people’s faith is an integral part of their identity |
Catherine Mahony |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Not in our remit |
When secular organisations are responding to the needs of displaced people, the religious practices and needs of the communities may not be high on the list of things to be thought about. |
Maurice Herson |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Offering sanctuary to failed refugee claimants in Canada |
Despite the anti-refugee sentiment demonstrated by Canada’s recent legislative changes and the government’s hardening attitude towards those in sanctuary, the spirit of resistance and community engagement is alive and well in Canada. |
Kristin Marshall |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Christian civil disobedience and indefinite, mandatory immigration detention in Australia |
A new movement of Christian activists in Australia is using radical direct action to challenge their country’s policy of mandatory detention of asylum seeker children. |
Marcus Campbell |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Respecting faiths, avoiding harm: psychosocial assistance in Jordan and the United States |
Both faith-based and secular organisations need to recognise the ways in which religion can provide healing and support but can also cause harm for refugees and asylum seekers. |
Maryam Zoma |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Faith, relief and development: the UMCOR-Muslim Aid model seven years on |
Seven years ago, a strategic partnership between the United Methodist Committee on Relief and Muslim Aid in Sri Lanka was formalised into a worldwide partnership agreement. Why did the partnership not achieve its goals? |
Amjad Saleem, Guy Hovey |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Interfaith humanitarian cooperation: a Lutheran perspective |
The Lutheran World Federation’s experience is that closer cooperation between faith-based organisations of different faiths is both possible and beneficial. |
Elizabeth Gano |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Principles and proselytising: good practice in Ethiopia |
Faith-based organisations need to ensure that in providing essential humanitarian assistance they do not exploit the vulnerability of people by proselytising, whether overtly or covertly. |
Zenebe Desta |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Faith-based humanitarianism in northern Myanmar |
The response of faith-based organisations to displacement in northern Myanmar has been remarkable but sustaining an open and collaborative relationship with the international community remains an ongoing challenge. |
Edward Benson, Carine Jaquet |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Jewish roots of humanitarian assistance |
The act of assistance is an act of respect for the humanity of others and is not the preserve of any one faith. |
Ricardo Augman, Enrique Burbinski |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - The costs of giving and receiving: dilemmas in Bangkok |
Local faith-based organisations play a central role in meeting the basic needs of the increasing urban refugee population in Bangkok. This raises challenges for all involved. |
Sabine Larribeau, Sharonne Broadhead |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Faith and the politics of resettlement |
For some asylum seekers in Turkey, conversion may be an opportunistic strategy to improve resettlement prospects. |
Shoshana Fine |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - The 1969 OAU Convention and the continuing challenge for the African Union |
Forty years after the OAU Convention on Refugees came into force, the dismal state in which refugees in Africa find themselves these days raises the question as to whether the Convention has lived up to expectations. |
J O Moses Okello |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Engaging IDPs in Sri Lanka: a Buddhist approach |
A Buddhist Sri Lankan NGO provides an example of how endogenous faith-based civil society organisations can help mobilise IDPs in owning and defining strategies for their own protection. - See more at: |
Emily Barry-Murphy, Max Stephenson |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Public policy to address displacement in Mexico |
At hearings of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in November 2013 on the human rights situation in Mexico, the issue of the internally displaced in particular caught my attention. |
José Ramón Cossío Díaz |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48: ‘Welcoming the stranger’ and UNHCR’s cooperation with faith-based organisations |
Since its creation in 1950, UNHCR has engaged with faith-based organisations, faith communities and faith leaders in carrying out its work. Recently, UNHCR has been more actively exploring the role of faith in humanitarian responses. |
José Riera, Marie-Claude Poirier |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - From violence to more violence in Central America |
Many Central American migrants flee their home country as a result of violence and threats from the criminal gangs. A large number of them also encounter the same type of violence that they are fleeing when on the migratory routes through Mexico. |
Israel Medina |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - An ecumenical organisation for asylum seekers in Switzerland |
An ecumenical organisation provides socio-pastoral assistance for asylum seekers while they go through the first crucial steps of the asylum proceedings. |
Susy Mugnes, Felicina Proserpio, Luisa Deponti |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Reflections from the encampment decision in the High Court of Kenya |
Civil society groups are embracing a recent victory in the High Court of Kenya as a reminder of the important role that strategic litigation can play in the enforcement and promotion of refugee rights. |
Anna Wirth |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - What’s faith got to do with it? |
Use of the faith-based label demands greater clarification lest it lose coherence and result in adverse policy implications, excluding religiously motivated actors from providing much-needed assistance to displaced communities, particularly inside Syria. |
Tahir Zaman |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Work and refugee integration in Sweden |
One of the main challenges facing refugees trying to integrate in their host country is finding a suitable job. Sweden recognises this issue and is investing in making inclusion in the labour market the driver of refugee integration. |
Miguel Peromingo |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - African refugees and the particular role of churches in the UK |
Many churches have the necessary physical and social assets to assist refugees in the community both individually and by bringing them together. |
Samuel Bekalo |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Refugees’ integration in Uganda will require renewed lobbying |
A legal decision about whether refugees in Uganda can become citizens continues to be delayed. |
Georgia Cole |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Chins in Mizoram state, India: a faith-based response |
The faith community in Mizoram state in India has played an instrumental role in providing social services, changing perceptions of refugees, and providing access and assistance, reaching the most vulnerable where there's no international presence. |
Jenny Yang |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Frozen displacement: Kashmiri Pandits in India |
In the 1990s nearly 250,000 people were displaced by violence in India. More than 20 years later the question for them is whether the responses to their displacement so far can form the basis for long-term solutions for their protracted displacement. |
Mahima Thussu |
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Faith and displacement (Forced Migration Review 48) |
FMR 48 - Post-disaster recovery and support in Japan |
As a locally based faith-based organisation, there were several aspects that enabled Soka Gakkai to contribute effectively to the relief effort following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, responding to both physical and psychological needs. |
Kimiaki Kawai |
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The Bodleian Libraries (BODcasts) |
Writing The Hobbit: a perilous quest |
In this talk Stuart Lee will look at the various texts we may call The Hobbit. Starting with the 1937 edition (on display) he will look at the changes enforced on Tolkien after he had finished The Lord of the Rings and how he coped with these. |
Stuart Lee |
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Psychiatry |
Creating the evidence base for prescribing in psychiatry |
Associate Professor Andrea Cipriani discusses his research that involves synthesising evidence for psychiatric medications |
Andrea Cipriani |
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Valentine's Day at Oxford |
Love's Labour's Lost |
Emma Smith continues her Approaching Shakespeare series with a lecture on the play Love's Labour's Lost. |
Emma Smith |
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Department of Social Policy and Intervention |
It takes a village: Meeting the complex needs of poverty-impacted youth and their families, locally and globally |
Mary McKay, Professor and Director, McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research, New York University, delivered the Astor Visiting Lecture on 21 May 2015. |
Mary McKay |
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Oxford Transitional Justice Research Seminars |
Does transitional justice affect democratic institution-building? |
Dr. Chandra Sriram gives a talk OTJR seminar series on 9 March at 5pm |
Chandra Sriram |
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Oxford Transitional Justice Research Seminars |
Unlike Minds: Ideology, Political Violence and Armed Conflict |
Dr. Jonathan Leader Maynard gives a talk for the OTJR seminar series on 26 January 2015 at 5pm |
Jonathan Leader Maynard |
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Oxford Transitional Justice Research Seminars |
Evaluating Transitional Justice |
Kirsten Ainley, London School of Economics, gives a talk for the OTJR seminar series on 11 May at 5pm |
Kirsten Ainley |
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Earth Sciences |
The Formation of Terrestrial Planets - the 2nd Lobanov-Rostovsky Lecture in Planetary Geology |
Prof Alessandro Morbidelli of the Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur in Nice gives the 2nd Lobanov-Rostovsky Lecture in Planetary Geology. He talks about the formation of planets in the universe. |
Alessandro Morbidelli |
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Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia: Oxford ARUK Public Open Day |
Gait or Cognition: The Chicken or Egg Story |
Movement and exercise and it's relation to thinking and cognition. |
Helen Dawes |
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Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia: Oxford ARUK Public Open Day |
Biomarkers: Detecting Alzheimer's Early Enough to Treat it. |
What are Biomarkers? And why are they useful in Alzheimer's Disease Research. |
Alejo Nevado-Hogado |
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Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia: Oxford ARUK Public Open Day |
Translating Image from the Research Lab to the Clinic |
How imaging is used in translational neuroscience. |
Clare Mackay |
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Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia: Oxford ARUK Public Open Day |
Funding World Class Dementia Research |
An overview on Dementia and why Alzheimers Research UK is here |
Emma O'Brien |
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Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia: Oxford ARUK Public Open Day |
Using Stem Cells to Understand Dementia |
Dr Angela Bithell of Reading University explains the importance of Stem Cells in trying to understand Dementia and finding new treatments |
Angela Bithell |
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OPDC: Progress in Parkinson's Research. |
Neuropathology: the CSI of Parkinson's Disease |
The crucial role of Brain Donation to understand the mechanisms underlying Parkinson's disease |
Claudio Ruffman |
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OPDC: Progress in Parkinson's Research. |
From Dreams to Neurodegeneration |
REM sleep behaviour disorder and Parkinson's Disease |
Michal Rolinski |
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OPDC: Progress in Parkinson's Research. |
Using novel technologies to assess Parkinson's |
Mathematician & Engineer, Max Little, discusses how modern technology, such as smart phones, can aid recording behavioural & environmental factors in Parkinson's research |
Max Little |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
News in the digital age, and how The Economist fits in |
Tom Standage – Digital Editor, The Economist, spoke at the Business and Practice of Journalism seminar on Wednesday 7 May 2014. |
Tom Standage |
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School of Geography and the Environment Podcasts |
Long-period temperature records in the British Isles |
Prof Chris Folland, University of East Anglia and Met Office Hadley Centre, gives a talk as part of the Met Office award for 200 years of continuous weather observations at Oxford ceremony on 15th May 2015. |
Chris Folland |
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Global Health |
Enteric fever |
Dr Christiane Dolecek speaks about the research on enteric fever she conducted in Vietman and Nepal |
Christiane Dolecek |
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Translational Medicine |
Enteric fever |
Dr Christiane Dolecek speaks about the research on enteric fever she conducted in Vietman and Nepal. |
Christiane Dolecek |
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Department of Social Policy and Intervention |
Drug Control, Human Rights and Bridging 'Parallel Universes' |
Part one of the 'Interventional Perspectives on Substance Use and Misuse' seminar series which took place in Hilary Term 2014. |
Rick Lines |
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Department of Social Policy and Intervention |
Research, Policy, and Societal Perspectives on New Psychoactive Substances |
Part four of the 'Interventional Perspectives on Substance Use and Misuse' seminar series which took place in Hilary Term 2014. |
Harry Sumnall |
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Department of Social Policy and Intervention |
Alcohol Policy and Its Societal impact |
Part three of the 'Interventional Perspectives on Substance Use and Misuse' seminar series which took place in Hilary Term 2014. |
Colin Drummond |
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