Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 - US refugee exclusion practices |
The issue of 'material support' provided to an organisation deemed to be involved in terrorism has been fraught with contention in US immigration law circles, most often over the issue of support provided under duress. |
Katherine Knight |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 - Differential treatment of refugees in Ireland |
The Irish government makes considerable efforts to resettle Syrian refugees arriving through the UNHCR resettlement process but offers no support to those refugees - some of whom are also from Syria - who individually seek asylum. |
Natalya Pestova |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 - Security practices and resettlement |
A widely held misconception about the terrorist threat is particularly evident in refugee resettlement practices, where refugees are placed on a security continuum alongside transnational criminals and terrorists. |
Shoshana Fine |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 - Resettlement as a protection tool for refugee children |
Here is a need to ensure that new and existing initiatives to resettle refugee children at risk, including unaccompanied children, are better able to serve their unique protection needs in today's global context. |
Susanna Davies, Carol Batchelor |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 - Towards a new framework for integration in the US |
The view of integration in US resettlement policy is currently disconnected from the views of integration held by refugees themselves. |
Catherine Tyson |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 - The Solidarity Resettlement Programme, and alternatives, in Latin America |
For more than a decade, the countries in the Southern Cone of South America have had a regional Solidarity Resettlement Programme. |
María José Marcogliese |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 - An unequal partnership: resettlement service providers in Australia |
The relationship between government and government-contracted refugee resettlement service providers in Australia needs to be based more on autonomy and trust. |
Niro Kandasamy |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 - How refugee community groups support resettlement |
Refugee community groups often fill in service gaps after resettlement but remain unrecognised and not fully incorporated in formal resettlement processes. |
G Odessa Gonzalez Benson |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 - Iraqi refugees in Spanish-speaking Californian communities |
Cultural orientation is necessary but needs to be appropriate for the realities of the place where refugees are resettled. |
Ken Crane, Lisa Fernandez |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 - Private refugee sponsorship in Canada |
For almost four decades, groups of Canadian private citizens have sponsored refugees for resettlement in addition to federal government resettlement programmes. |
Jennifer Hyndman, William Payne, Shauna Jimenez |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 - Resettlement of refugee youth in Australia: experiences and outcomes over time |
Findings from a longitudinal study of long-term resettlement experiences of refugee youth living in Melbourne. |
Celia McMichael, Caitlin Nunn, Ignacio Correa-Velez, Sandra M Gifford |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 General - Migrant, refugee or minor? It matters for children in Europe. |
The capacity of child-rights institutions and children’s services in many European countries needs to be strengthened considerably if governments are to meet their commitments to refugee and migrant children. |
Kevin Byrne |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 - The story of a small Canadian congregation sponsoring a refugee family |
Steps for private refugee sponsorship in Canada are not clearly spelled out for those seeking to be sponsors. While the process is rewarding, it is also challenging and sometimes frustrating. |
Shannon Tito, Sharolyn Cochand |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 - Resettlement: where's the evidence, what's the strategy? |
The aims and objectives of resettlement are poorly specified and the outcomes are poorly measured. |
Alexander Betts |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 - Rejecting resettlement: the case of the Palestinians |
Palestinian rejection of resettlement was driven by political concerns. This case study shows the importance of engaging directly with refugees when devising durable solutions |
Anne Irfan |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 - Rethinking how success is measured |
Despite the Canadian Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program being praised for integrating refugees into the job market faster than government-assisted refugees, there may be limited cause for celebration. |
Chloe Marshall-Denton |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 General - Ensuring the rights of climate-displaced people in Bangladesh |
Five critical areas require urgent action with the threat of internal displacement as a result of climate change already severe and growing in Bangladesh. |
Prabal Barua, Mohammad Shahjahan, Mohammad Arifur Rahman, Syed Hafizur Rahman, Morshed Hossan Molla |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 - The resettlement of Polish refugees after the second world war |
The passing of the Polish Resettlement Act and the creation of the different agencies related to it undoubtedly represented an unprecedented response to the challenge of mass migration in the UK. |
Agata Blaszczyk |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 - Expectations of vulnerability in Australia |
The ability of refugees to gain admission to Australia is increasingly based on perceptions of helplessness, suffering and 'deservingness'. One consequence is that men in particular are marginalised following resettlement. |
Alice M Neikirk |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 General - When money speaks: behind asylum seekers' consumption patterns |
Asylum seekers' consumption patterns. |
Jonathan Goh, Sophie Kurschner, Tina Esmail, Jonathan van Arneman |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 General - Statelessness determination: the Swiss experience |
While a detailed law on statelessness determination is recommended by UNHCR and others, Swiss practice in statelessness determination has evolved without one. |
Karen Hamann |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 Post-deportation mini-feature - Post-deportation risks for failed asylum seekers |
What happens to people who are deported after their asylum applications have failed? Many who are deported are at risk of harm when they return to their country of origin but there is little monitoring done of deportation outcomes. |
Jill Alpes, Charlotte Blondel, Nausicaa Preiss, Meritxell Sayos Monras |
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MOVING, TEACHING, INSPIRING: The National Trust and University of Oxford in the 21st Century |
Land, Outdoors and Nature |
Peter Nixon and Professor Heather Viles discuss the challenges and opportunities we face today in caring for and studying the natural environment. |
Peter Nixon, Heather Viles, Oliver Cox |
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MOVING, TEACHING, INSPIRING: The National Trust and University of Oxford in the 21st Century |
Our Collections and Their Audiences |
In this lecture Simon Murray and Dr Xa Sturgis discuss historic collections and their audiences, exploring the need – and means – of making historic collections relevant in the 21st century. |
Simon Murray, Xa Sturgis |
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MOVING, TEACHING, INSPIRING: The National Trust and University of Oxford in the 21st Century |
History, Vision, Ambition |
In this introductory lecture Dame Helen Ghosh and Professor Karen O'Brien discuss the history, current vision and future ambition of their respective organisations. |
Dame Helen Ghosh, Karen O’Brien |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 Post-deportation mini-feature - A grim return: post-deportation risks in Uganda |
Neither the UK nor Uganda monitors what happens during and after deportation by the UK of failed Ugandan asylum seekers, despite evidence of violence and grave abuses of individuals' human rights. |
Charity Ahumuza Onyoin |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 Post-deportation mini-feature - The EU-Turkey deal: what happens to people who return to Turkey? |
People who return to Turkey under the EU-Turkey deal are detained and many risk onward deportation without access to legal aid and international protection. |
Sevda Tunaboylu, Jill Alpes |
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Resettlement (Forced Migration Review 54) |
FMR 54 Post-deportation mini-feature - Risks encountered after forced removal: the return experiences of young Afghans |
New research has documented the outcomes for young asylum seekers forcibly removed from the UK to Afghanistan. |
Emily Bowerman |
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Politics and International Relations Podcasts |
Fear and Loathing International Relations - Cyril Foster Lecture 2017 |
Although the 2003 Iraq War was linked to the "War on Terror" the case for the war was presented, at least in the UK, within the terms of the established framework of international relations, with the UN at the centre. |
Lawrence Freedman |
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St Anne's College |
At the Frontlines of Change: Feminist Leadership Transforming Lives - Devaki Jain Lecture |
Noeleen Heyzer gives the 2016 Devaki Jain Lecture. |
Noeleen Heyzer |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
Investigative journalism in the age of social news |
Tom Warren, investigations correspondent, BuzzFeed UK gives a talk for the Business and Practice of Journalism Seminar Series. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Tom Warren |
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International Migration Institute |
'All the money I raised, I raised from Ghana': Understanding reverse remittance practice among Ghanaian migrants in the UK and their relatives in Ghana |
In the context of Ghanaians in the UK, Geraldine Adiku explores how migrant remittance practices are not only from 'developed' to 'developing' country; many are sent in the reverse direction, a fact largely ignored by scholarship on the topic |
Geraldine Adiku |
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Rothermere American Institute |
Joining the Revolution |
Lyndon Johnson, the modern presidency and the Civil Rights Movement. |
Sidney M Milkis |
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Green Templeton College |
Why is it so difficult to implement Evidence Based Healthcare? |
Richard Gleave, Public Health England and Professor Sue Dopson, Said Business School give a talk for the Green Templeton Lectures 2017: Delivering Health: Clinical, Management and Policy Challenges. |
Richard Gleave, Sue Dopson |
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Department of Computer Science |
How Quantum Theory Can Help Understanding Natural Language |
In the Quantum Group, we contribute to the field of natural language processing by using methods from mathematics and quantum theory to show how information flows between words in a sentence to give us the meaning of the sentence as a whole. |
Maaike Zwart |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
Newsweek: Legacy title as startup |
Part of The Business and Practice of Journalism Seminar Series, with Owen Matthews, Contributing editor and former Moscow and Istabul Bureau, Chief, Newsweek. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Owen Matthews |
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Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) seminars |
Social Mobility: Can family policy make a difference? |
Naomi Eisenstadt gives a talk for the UBVO seminar seires on 1st December 2016. Please note, there were technical difficulties during the recording of this episode so it will stop at 12:34. We apologise for this. |
Naomi Eisenstadt |
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Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) seminars |
Epigenetics: Environment, embodiment and equality |
Rebecca Richmond gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on 13th October 2016. |
Rebecca Richmond |
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Middle East Centre |
Islam in Europe |
Part of the Middle East Centre Seminar Series, with Nilüfer Göle, Tariq Modood and Tariq Ramadan (chair). Held on 17th February 2017. |
Nilüfer Göle, Tariq Modood, Tariq Ramadan |
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Alumni Voices |
David Miliband, President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee (Corpus Christi, 1984) |
David Miliband, President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee (Corpus Christi, 1984) David Miliband talks about the unprecedented global refugee crisis, its long-term characteristics and efforts to address the challenges ahead in this podcast. |
David Milliband |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
Freedom of information and the informed citizen |
Part of the The Business and Practice of Journalism Seminar Series, with Heather Brooke, investigative journalist, author and Professor of journalism at City University, introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Heather Brooke |
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European Studies Centre |
Exodus, Reckoning, Sacrifice: Three Meanings of Brexit |
Lecture with Kalypso Nicolaidis (St Antony’s College). Respondent: Anand Menon (King’s College London) Convenors: Timothy Garton Ash and Kalypso Nicolaidis (St Antony’s College). |
Kalypso Nicolaidis, Anand Menon, Timothy Garton Ash |
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Global Health |
Mapping bacterial antibiotic resistance |
Dr Olga Tosas-Auguet from our unit in Kenya tells us about her research on mapping bacterial antibiotic resistance |
Olga Tosas-Auguet |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
The Business and Practice of Journalism Seminar Series - ‘Reporting Africa: New storytellers, new stories?’ |
Melanie Bunce, senior lecturer in Journalism, City University, co-editor of Africa's Media Image in the 21st Century gives a talk for the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. |
Melanie Bunce |
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European Studies Centre |
A new politics of globalization? Taking stock of what 2016 brought Europe and America |
ESC Lunchtime Seminar. A talk given by Robert Howse (NYU Law School), Kalypso Nicolaidis (St Antony’s College)on 13th January 2017. |
Robert Howse |
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Opera Studies |
Woman. Alone: Directing Opera |
Katie Mitchell talks about her time directing Opera. |
Katie Mitchell, Elaine Kidd, Michael Burden |
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Surgical Grand Rounds Lectures |
Human factors based investigation of serious surgical mishaps |
Professor Peter McCulloch and Dr Lauren Morgan talk about investigating serious surgical incidents and how human factors science can help us. |
Peter McCulloch, Lauren Morgan |
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Translational Medicine |
Tracking infections |
Professor Derrick Crook from our Experimental Medicine division tells us about his research on tracking infections |
Derek Crook |
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Global Health |
Bacterial infections in Laos |
David Dance from our LOMWRU unit in Laos tells us about his research on bacterial infections in Laos, particularly melioidosis |
David Dance |
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Alumni Voices |
Zoe de Toledo, Olympic silver medalist (St Catherine’s, 2010) |
Zoe de Toledo shares her extraordinary experiences of coxing at the highest levels, and her love of studying at Oxford in this podcast. |
Zoe de Toledo |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
Is censorship stifling China's media? |
Introduction by Richard Sambrook |
Vincent Ni |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
Digital transformation - the organisation challenges |
Introduction by Richard Sambrook |
Lucy Küng |
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Translational Medicine |
Bacterial infections in Laos |
David Dance from our LOMWRU unit in Laos tells us about his research on bacterial infections in Laos, particularly melioidosis |
David Dance |
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Translational and Clinical |
Tracking infections |
Professor Derrick Crook from our Experimental Medicine division tells us about his research on tracking infections |
Derrick Crook |
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Translational Medicine |
Mapping bacterial antibiotic resistance |
Dr Olga Tosas-Auguet from our unit in Kenya tells us about her research on mapping bacterial antibiotic resistance |
Olga Tosas-Auguet |
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Journal of Practical Ethics |
Humanity’s Collective Ownership of the Earth and Immigration |
Mathias Risse discusses his recent JPE article 'Humanity’s Collective Ownership of the Earth and Immigration', with David Edmonds. |
Mathias Risse, David Edmonds |
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Department of Education Public Seminars |
Imagining a future after schooling |
Young people navigating uncertainty in contemporary Britain. |
Graham Butt, Patrick Alexander |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
Making an impact with journalism in today's 24/7 digital news landscape |
Part of the Business and Practice of Journalism Seminar Series, with Rachel Oldroyd, managing editor, The Bureau of Investigative Journalism. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Rachel Oldroyd |
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International Migration Institute |
Migratory flows, colonial encounters and the histories of transatlantic slavery |
Olivette Otele explores how histories of transatlantic slavery impact on contemporary questions of migration |
Olivette Otele |
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Department of Education Public Seminars |
Stuck! Britain’s social mobility problem |
The Sutton Trust’s Chief Executive, Dr Lee Elliot Major, will argue that Britain has failed to address its problem of low social mobility, drawing on a range of international evidence. |
Lee Elliot Major |
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Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) seminars |
The Great Gatsby curve in 3D: Inequality of outcomes, inequality of opportunities, and social mobility across countries |
Gaston Yalonetzky gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on 10th November 2016. |
Gaston Yalonetzky |
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Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) seminars |
The influence of school on eating disorders in girls - evidence from Sweden and the UK |
Helen Bould gives a talk for the UBVO seminar series on 27th October 2016. |
Helen Bould |
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Evidence-Based Health Care |
Resuscitating poor quality research |
Healthcare research is all too often plagued by biases that are rooted in poor methods, leading to the wrong result and conclusions and preventing uptake into practice. |
Carl Heneghan |
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Department of Education Public Seminars |
Socioeconomic inequalities in education achievement and student outcomes |
Anna Vignoles, Professor of Education and Director of Research at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge and a trustee of the Nuffield Foundation, gives a talk for the Department of Education Public Seminar Series. |
Anna Vignoles |
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The Secrets of Mathematics |
The Mathematics of Visual Illusions - Ian Stewart |
Puzzling things happen in human perception when ambiguous or incomplete information is presented to the eyes. |
Ian Stewart |
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Alumni Voices |
Writer and performer, Gyles Brandreth (New College, 1967) |
Celebrated writer, broadcaster, performer and former politician, Gyles Brandreth, talks about his extraordinary career and varied interests in this podcast. |
Gyles Brandreth |
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Translational Medicine |
Epigenetic modifications and cancer |
Professor Skirmantas Kriaucionis aims to to elucidate the molecular function of DNA modifications in normal cells and cancer. |
Skirmantas Kriaucionis |
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Cancer |
Epigenetic modifications and cancer |
Professor Skirmantas Kriaucionis aims to to elucidate the molecular function of DNA modifications in normal cells and cancer. |
Skirmantas Kriaucionis |
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Translational Medicine |
Fighting malaria in Myanmar |
Professor Frank Smithuis is the director of MOCRU, Myanmar Oxford Clinical Research Unit. MOCRU involves a network of 6 clinics and 650 community health workers in remote areas. |
Frank Smithuis |
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Global Health |
Fighting malaria in Myanmar |
Professor Frank Smithuis is the director of MOCRU, Myanmar Oxford Clinical Research Unit. MOCRU involves a network of 6 clinics and 650 community health workers in remote areas. |
Frank Smithuis |
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Translational Medicine |
Optimising malaria treatment |
Dr Georgina Humphreys coordinates the WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network (WWARN) study groups by encouraging partner engagement and managing the data curation and development of publications. |
Georgina Humphreys |
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Malaria |
Optimising malaria treatment |
Dr Georgina Humphreys coordinates the WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network (WWARN) study groups by encouraging partner engagement and managing the data curation and development of publications. |
Georgina Humphreys |
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Translational Medicine |
Outbreak, the clinical research response |
Dr Gail Carson is Head of ISARIC Coordinating Centre (International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium), a network of networks established in 2011 to ensure a rapid research response to outbreaks of pandemic potential. |
Gail Carson |
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Global Health |
Outbreak, the clinical research response |
Dr Gail Carson is Head of ISARIC Coordinating Centre (International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium), a network of networks established in 2011 to ensure a rapid research response to outbreaks of pandemic potential. |
Gail Carson |
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Alumni Voices |
Menswear Designer, Patrick Grant (New College, 2004) |
Menswear designer, Patrick Grant, shares his experiences studying for an Executive MBA at Oxford’s Said Business School, and talks about how he became an award-winning designer. |
Patrick Grant |
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Translational Medicine |
Gastrointestinal cancers |
Dr Claire Palles studies whole genome sequencing data and targeted analyses with the aim of discovering genetic variants that affect susceptibility to colorectal cancer and Barrett’s oesophagus. |
Claire Palles |
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Global Health |
Poor quality medicines |
LOMWRU researchers conduct clinical research to help improve global, regional and Lao public health. They focus on infectious diseases, and also investigate diseases of nutrition and poverty. |
Paul Newton |
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Translational Medicine |
Poor quality medicines |
LOMWRU researchers conduct clinical research to help improve global, regional and Lao public health. They focus on infectious diseases, and also investigate diseases of nutrition and poverty. |
Paul Newton |
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Translational and Clinical |
Why we work on Alzheimer’s disease |
Housed within the Target Discovery Institute, the Alzheimer’s Research UK Oxford Drug Discovery Institute (ODDI) juxtaposes drug discovery expertise alongside scientific and academic understanding of patients, disease mechanisms and model systems. |
John Davis |
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Genetics |
Gastrointestinal cancers |
Dr Claire Palles studies whole genome sequencing data and targeted analyses with the aim of discovering genetic variants that affect susceptibility to colorectal cancer and Barrett’s oesophagus. |
Claire Palles |
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Criminology |
Blogging and Social Media in Criminology |
Sarah Turnbull and Ines Hasselberg, Centre for Criminology, give a talk for the Centre for Criminology seminar series on 5th June 2015. |
Sarah Turnbull, Ines Hasselberg |
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Criminology |
Doing Research with or without Impact: Policing Studies as a Global Field of Interest |
Ian Loader and Ben Bradford, Centre for Criminology, give a talk for the Centre for Criminology seminar series on 5th June 2015. |
Ian Loader, Ben Bradford |
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First World War: New Perspectives |
Time-frames of the Great War |
The 2nd Keynote of the War Time 2016 conference held 9-11 November 2016 |
John Horne |
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First World War: New Perspectives |
Moving from War to Peace |
The 3rd Keynote of the War Time 2016 conference held 9-11 November 2016 |
Margaret MacMillan |
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First World War: New Perspectives |
The long and the short of it: time and strategic planning in the First World War |
Keynote lecture given at the War Time 2016 conference |
Hew Strachan |
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Criminology |
Prisons and the problem of trust: contrasting approaches to risk, radicalisation and personal growth in two high security prisons |
Professor Alison Liebling, University of Cambridge, gives a talk for the Centre for Criminology on 5th June 2015. |
Alison Liebling |
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Big Questions - with Oxford Sparks |
Are exhausts causing dementia? |
Many people are exposed to exhaust emissions every day in different ways. But what are the harmful effects of these fumes when we breathe them in? Could we see difficulties in other areas of our bodies? What is it doing to our brains? |
Imad Ahmed |
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Voltaire Foundation |
Writing the Enlightenment: Reflections on Work in Progress |
Professor Ritchie Robertson FBA, Taylor Professor of German at the University of Oxford, will speak on ‘Writing the Enlightenment: Reflections on Work in Progress’. |
Ritchie Robertson |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
Strength in numbers - how journalists cracked the Panama Papers |
Holly Watt, investigations correspondent, at the Guardian talks about how journalists cracked the Panama Papers. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Holly Watt |
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Sidney Ball Memorial Lectures |
Britain, Europe and Social Policy |
For the 2016 Sidney Ball Memorial Lecture, Professor Colin Crouch, Vice-President for Social Sciences, gives a talk on European social policies. |
Colin Crouch |
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Alumni Voices |
Warden of New College, Miles Young (New College, 1973) |
Miles Young, newly-installed Warden of New College, Oxford, shares his experiences studying history as an undergraduate and talks about how he transitioned into a career in PR and advertising. |
Miles Young |
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First World War: New Perspectives |
Mancunian Crusaders? |
Exploring the chasm which existed between the crusading rhetoric of clergymen and the ways in which soldiers in the Manchester Regiment rationalised their involvement in the First World War. |
Dan Smith |
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First World War: New Perspectives |
Remembering before the End: Death and the Great War' |
Examining the many inventive and moving ways in which people began to mourn and commemorate their loved ones while WW1 was still ongoing and before official acts of public memory were established. |
Alice Kelly |
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First World War: New Perspectives |
A Wordly War: Battle Experiences through the Eyes of African Cultures |
Examining the First World War through the lives of African soldiers and labourers. |
Josephine Niala |
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Public International Law Discussion Group (Part II) |
Reading the Rome Statute - As an Organic Instrument (This was a joint session with OTJR) |
Judge Chile Eboe-Osuji, Judge of the International Criminal Court and President of the Trial Division |
Judge Chile Eboe-Osuji |
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Big Questions - with Oxford Sparks |
How do you make a reliable weather forecast? |
Latest episode from Oxford Sparks, this episode on how to predict the weather. |
Hannah Christensen |
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Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism |
Quartz: a mobile-first approach to news |
Part of the the Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series, by Akshat Rathi, Reporter, Quartz. Introduction by RIchard Sambrook. |
Akshat Rathi |
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Translational Medicine |
High altitude illness |
Director of OUCRU-Nepal, Dr Buddha Basnyat studies high altitude illness as well as undifferentiated febrile illness in the tropics, both common but neglected problems in Nepal. |
Buddha Basnyat |
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Global Health |
High altitude illness |
Director of OUCRU-Nepal, Dr Buddha Basnyat studies high altitude illness as well as undifferentiated febrile illness in the tropics, both common but neglected problems in Nepal. |
Buddha Basnyat |
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Translational Medicine |
Finding the best malaria treatments |
Dr Mehul Dhorda heads the Asia Regional Centre of the WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network (WWARN). |
Mehul Dhorda |
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